How can i increase packets per second for ip?

these are the output by mtr:

Keys:  Help   Display mode   Restart statistics   Order of fields   quit
                                                                                                                    Packets               Pings
 Host                                                                                                             Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
 1. hidden gateaway                                                                                                0.1%   778   31.6  34.4  29.9 367.3  23.7
 2.                                                                                                  0.0%   778   32.9  35.2  31.0 394.6  23.0
 3.                                                                                                   0.1%   778   33.2  34.6  30.7 359.0  19.9
 4.                                                                                                   0.0%   778   34.7  37.9  32.9 378.7  21.3
 5.                                                                                                    0.0%   778   35.4  39.7  34.8 497.1  28.3
 6.                                                                                                   0.0%   778   34.7  39.6  33.9 450.6  26.1
 7.                                                                                                  0.0%   778   36.3  40.1  34.7 400.9  24.5
 8.                                                                                                   0.0%   778   72.3  77.3  71.0 628.2  30.7
 9.                                                                                                    0.0%   778   75.3  82.2  71.7 583.1  29.2
10.                                                                                                    0.0%   778   74.3  78.3  72.1 536.3  25.4
11. ???
12.                                                                                                   0.1%   778   88.2  92.3  87.9 447.1  18.5
13.                                                                                                  0.0%   778   90.7  92.5  87.6 400.2  19.7
14. ???
15. ???
16.                                                                                                    0.0%   778   96.2 101.2  95.2 625.4  34.0
17.                                                                                                    0.1%   778   91.7  94.5  88.7 579.4  30.7
18.                                                                                                   0.0%   778   92.7  93.8  88.6 532.1  28.0
19.                                                                                                    0.0%   778   89.3  92.8  87.9 485.0  24.8
20. ???
21. ???
22. ???
23.                                                              0.1%   777   89.5  91.8  87.3 442.1  23.8
  • are thirteen routers DEEP within a network of private numbers
  • You removed a lot of data from the mtr output
  • There's gonna be more latency than normal, given there's at least eight routers performing NAT
  • The quality of your connection is not comparable to those of professional gamers

Those private IPs could be the backbone of the ISP. And there doesn't need to be performed NAT anywhere other than the OP's router.

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Agreed, this likely is true. I assumed since unassigned IPs were used too, that it's a possibility.

0.1% packetloss, not super great, but also no real issue (given that you even see the same amount on your hidden gateway.
Now the worst column is pretty bad though, (StDev and Avg-Best seemsto indicate that these extremes are relative rare, but still delays like this too often can cause issues with FPS-type games).

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Hop 8. is not private but belongs to amazon according to whois.

I believe you can scroll to the right to see the missing columns.

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Yes; and hop 9 is unassigned in the global routing table; but issued to Amazon. It's all internal traffic.

Also means: there could be a private connection to Amazon...packet inspection, etc.

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Good point, I confused unassigned with "private" IP range here... this also explains effortlessly, why I can not traceroute these hops from my side :wink:

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Is there any soluation for improving this or it is out of my control ???

Well, you could try to play on servers that are closer to your location? I am not talking about physical proximity here primarily, but rather servers with shorter RTT (sort of network proximity). I have no clue whether that is a realistic option or not, though. But really I have very little personal experience with on-line games and the locations of game servers, so take my advise with a grain of salt.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Limit packets per second without dropping it

Most FPS games use UDP and small packet size, because:

  • Smaller packets can be transmitted faster.
    (more packets per second = more updates = more accuracy)
  • In case of packet loss, smaller packets can be retransmitted faster.
    Yes I know, UDP itself has no error recovery but I guess,
    this can be implemented in the application itself
  • Less overhead than TCP

I think it's best to have PPS >= FPS.
So for every frame update in-game, a new packet gets generated (and send).
How much FPS can Fortnite Push on the PS4? Constant 60 FPS or does it dip to 45/30 FPS?
I don't own a PS4, but didn't Sony release a new revision with better/faster hardware? (More FPS?)
And wasn't there something about Boost-Mode to also increase FPS? (Firmware Update?)
And I also don't know if Fortnites game engine does generate new packets when no action/combat is happening.
If this is the case PPS can also drop.
So 50 PPS isn't that bad.

You could try to disable "Interrupt Moderation" on the Router.
For example:

ethtool -C eth0 adaptive-tx off adaptive-rx off
ethtool -C eth0 rx-usecs 0 rx-frames 1 tx-usecs 0 tx-frames 1

But this can increase CPU Overhead. (on high speed downloads/uploads)

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I know. It was being somewhat facetious with the OP. I know that the software controls the packets. It's quite crazy (in my opinion) to believe there's an issue because of "small packets."

Nonetheless, you're late to the topic. The OP now has a new thread now, where the packets are too big, LOL:

I'm always late :sweat_smile:

What's going on? :joy:


I finally figured out what is the problem i use playstation remote play on pc which is app that stream playstation to pc because my hdmi port is broken :joy: i watched a video of youtuber ALIA uses remote play and he gets same outgoing packets per second as me but lower incoming packets then me i gets from 40 to 50 and he gets from 22 to 40 pps, i will fix my ps4 port and see if i am getting the same problem or not thank you all for replies

Now you're blaming remote play?

Are you not playing the same game?


yeah i play the same game,
i think that remote play messing with the pps

  • Pro Gamers have custom versions of the release title

  • Pro Gamers will actually move closer to game servers

  • Pro Gamers have top tier business internet connections. (average cost of $600-$1000 per month)

    These are the selling points that make followers believe they can be "gaming gods". They are usually wealthy and are funded well in advance to promote any given title. The hype is real and don't fall into it. Improve your connection and equipment, but realize that's the best you can do.


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