How can I confirm what runs on what?

I told you those things aren't on the Internet. They are on a LAN and again, only have ssh enabled to restart them, change settings. etc.

I give up. If you want to accuse me of things that are not true, so be it, that it your choice. I've explained everything possible. If I was doing something nefarious, I simply would have left by now. There are probably plenty of 'dark' (for lack of better names) forums where people talk about hacking and other such activities. If that was what I was doing, there would be a ton of help in those forums.

You are caught in some paranoid idea at this point, something I am not even close to being or doing. Please don't bother responding anymore if you are going to label me this way. It is very unfair to me as I am not doing anything illegal or hacker like.

If you don't want to help me, fine, I'll post again or find new forums that are more welcoming and friendly.

PS: I do not know what this means.

BTW, centos now builds using the suggested version as well. No change to the OS what so ever.

An executable binary is compiled for a certain CPU and architecture. This is why you're seeking routers that match the CPU of your software. I suggested running a current version of the firmware and attempting to execute your software. That simple.

I think he had done this and got some errors as segfault... But as @lleachii mentioned, this will be only related to the newer c library on >= lede 17.01 (musl instead of uclibc).
So if you @JoshGrant compile your old software with the build systems sdk or the downloaded sdk, your software should also run on newer openwrt builds...

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I tried the latest openwrt on the v2 glinet which is readily available and that didn't work. I got an architecture error when trying to install my program. I tried lede on the older v1 but that lead to the same problem.

I think you are saying try the latest 18.06 on the newer router and see if things work. Nothing to lose, I can try that if I can find that as image generator.

Why do you have to build the image?
Is the flash in your router 4MB or less?

Your used ar71xx device and ramips device does have not exactly the same arch... ar71xx will be mips (big endian) and ramips will be mipsel (little endian)

So you have probably tried a mipsel binary on a mips arch or vice versa...

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I'll have to get back to this. I'm completely confused at this point and need to re-read everything so it makes some sense to me.

I do appreciate the input from everyone, thank you.

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What is the output from the command file on your binary?
(You need a linux system for that)


$ file memtester_mips
memtester_mips: ELF 32-bit MSB executable, MIPS, MIPS32 rel2 version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, stripped

I quickly ran what you said but not sure I'm doing it right since there are errors.

On the router;

file memtester_mips

-ash: file: not found

I then assumed you mean using the command against the package name but on a Centos machine?

file memtester_mips apache_inserts_ramips_24kec.ipk

memtester_mips: cannot open (No such file or directory)
apache_inserts_ramips_24kec.ipk: gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Sun Oct 22 11:19:05 2017

Sorry forgot to mention that memtester_mips was only used as a example mips binary that i had on my pc...

You should do that on your binary that you want to get work...
Example: file fancy_webcam_prog

Isn't that what I did above. It only shows the file type no?

Yes and no... What would be more interesting is the output of the binary files inside this compressed package.

So you have a package for your webcam application? What are the contents of this package?
There will be at least one compiled binary that throws your mentioned errors...

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This is the error when trying to install the package on the V2 hardware.

  • pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate: Packages for apache_inserts found, but incompatible with the architectures configured
  • opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package apache_inserts.

I have an ar150 coming this afternoon. I think I'll try the old 15.05.1 on that since documentation seems to say it'll work.

Would love to fix the ssh access to make the devices more secure as you'd like but not being a programmer, I have no idea what so ever how to do that.

I also asked a friend to see what he could find out about having the mpeg program updated, fixed, whatever. No word from him on that to date.

Your best bet is to get the source for your "special" code and compile it for your architecture using the build chain, along with a current version of OpenWRT.

You had at least the image builder running earlier this year. If only the image builder, install the build system

You can add Apache to your list of known vulnerabilities (and open ports) as well, as 15.05 uses Apache 2.2 which is EOL.

Apache httpd 2.2 is End-of-Life since December 2017 and should not be used. This page only lists security issues that occurred before the End-of-Life. Subsequent issues may have affected 2.2 but will not be investigated or listed here. Users are advised to upgrade to the currently supported released version to address known issues.

And...I surmise your code is likely similar to...

ZoneMinder uses:

The code sounds like a lite version to just pull mjpeg cam streams. I'm very interested in this ported to OpenWrt!

There is no apache installed on the router. Some do have luci installed.

I'm still not sure what you are referring to when you mention Centos. Do you mean in terms of an image builder environment? I got past what ever the error was on Centos a long time ago, no errors since.

You mention compiling again and I keep saying I'm not a programmer. You also mention build chain, is that when you compile the firmware rather than using image builder. Is it builder or generator?

Anyhow, you are saying that if I had the source, I could build the program as part of my building the firmware using source method instead? I used it once a long time ago and it was a little beyond my knowledge. Using builder was super easy.

I have used zoneminder but the cameras are independent. Never heard of cambozola but a quick peek mentions netscape which is not exactly new.
The program mainly just extracts an image from the camera, adds some information to it and sends it to a server. I looked and looked for something newer, better than mjpeg-streamer but have never found anything else that could be used like an IP camera.

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What was the reason again why you do not simply use a RPi + RPi Cam?
Both are readily available in quantities...

Never knew about that until you mentioned it. No reason that I know of other than the mini routers are cheap, small, come in a case already. Not being a programmer or knowing any right now, I don't want to get into something even deeper than I already am. This is supposed to be a fun hobby but being accused of being a hacker, wares person and so on isn't making it much fun right now.

Assuming you or your friends have a currently working setup, start by identifying the architecture of the router. on the router run the following command

# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep type

Then on a linux PC create a new folder/directory and copy your ipk file to it then run this command from that folder to extract the package files.

tar -xzvf <your ipk file>
tar -xzvf control.tar.gz
tar -xzvf data.tar.gz
cat control

then find the binaries for your software and use the file command to identify the type

file <your binary file>

Once you have all this info you will be in a better position to ask for help.

Also, do you actually have the source code ?