How can I Bypass DPI on my router?

Hello, Is there anything that works just like GoodByeDPI but in my router? So every connected device to my network can get rid of DPI.

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Use encryption like OpenVPN or WireGuard to tunnel trough the DPI.

Use port 443

WireGuard can be relatively easily discovered, you can scramble the WG tunnel I once set this up for someone and used: xt_wgobfs (but I used DDWRT as that use had DDWRT installed)

Also a good candidate for WG obfuscation is amneziawg:
They are busy getting a package for openWRT but i do not know the status.

For OpenVPN there is also obfuscation/scramble, I used that on OpenWRT:

There is xray v2ray and others in broad use in many DPI-ed countries.
There is no universal blue pill that solves all issues. Purely random traffic sticks out as sore thumb

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Any VPN will do in general case. Tor + SOCKS5 will allow you watching YouTube if you can't pay for VPN because of sanctions. But most TVs don't support SOCKS5 or any proxy.

Try Zapret

they have Openwrt specific setup guide.