[solved] Help with fw4 / ipv6 / dnat

hi to all

well, i have some limited ipv6 setup with only 1 (one) ipv6 upstream address available, no PD and i like to setup port forward back to LAN

so, nat66 from LAN to WAN6 working as expected


but i am confused with fw4, how to set up port fw & dnat to internal LAN?

my public ipv6 is xxxx::2/64
my upstream gw is xxxx:1/64
LAN is fd00:250:202::/64
host is fd00:250:202::1fff

i like to forward for ex tcp8000 from pub ipv6 to lan ipv6 tcp8000
there is no ip6tables :frowning: so i am grounded

any help ?

p.s. OpenWrt 22.03.2

looks like it is working, but not from Luci

so, in /etc/config/firewall

config redirect
        option dest 'vlan202'
        option target 'DNAT'
        option name 'exampleserver22v6'
        list proto 'tcp'
        option src 'wan6'
        option src_dport '22'
        option dest_ip 'fd00:250:202::1fff'
        option dest_port '22'

work as expected, despite that Luci show "Incoming IPv4 protocol TCP"

so it need to be edited by hand


Just an FYI... There was a recent patch to LuCI and firewall to allow selection of IP family for both port forward and NAT rules (if I remember right). It's already available in SNAPSHOT, and will be in 23.X whenever it's released.

Here's the dropdown on the port forwards page:

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thank you @efahl for info

your screenshot look very good :slight_smile:
i will wait for official 23.x release

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