Help with Banana Pi R2 and mt7615 wifi increase tx power

Hi! I want to set up a Banana Pi R2 wi-fi module from BPi mt7615. At the same time, I am using OpenWRT 24.10-rc7. I ran into a problem with a poor signal of 6 dB. I found a topic about eeprom ( that needs to be downloaded from a file or hard coded bin in eeprom.c, downloaded the OpenWRT code via git, found the eeprom.c file in the mt76 folder, and changed it, as described. I changed the file. Next, in menuconfig. But with changes in file mt76 can't compiled. Please, help, how increase wifi signal at least 20dbm? I also make a bug in git:

are you interested in getting it to work using your home brew, or plain openwrt ?

while i'm trying to experiment with local version of repository i downloaded. but i'm not programmer, it's hard for me to understand. but if openwrt will make support, it would be good. module itself works, but signal strength is not enough.

What is your country? Maybe 20dbm is all you can get?

Yes, my router archer c6u with openwrt support 20 dbm (RU). Banana pi r2 with mt7615 module limits to 6 dbm and 3dbm for 5ghz. I post link where resolve this problem for bpi r64, but i have no success yet to implement it to bpi r2