Help Installing nlbwmon

I am looking for a bandwidth monitor for Lede. I am on Reboot 17.01.2 and I use the LuCI GUI. Is the nlbwmon the best bandwidth monitor to add? How do I download this and install it in the GUI? Thanks.

By going to the software page in LuCI, updating the package list and just selecting and installing luci-app-nlbwmon

Thank you!

A more in-depth explanation of how to install packages can be found in the wiki:

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I too would like to try this, however I cannot install it:

# opkg install luci-app-nlbwmon
Installing luci-app-nlbwmon (git-17.248.63230-2545566-1) to root...
Collected errors:
 * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for luci-app-nlbwmon:
 *      kernel (= 4.9.47-1-069b00521c682c9b7139152e622cb5bd) *  kernel (= 4.9.47-1-069b00521c682c9b7139152e622cb5bd) *
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package luci-app-nlbwmon.

I am new to LEDE and have only just installed it last week. My version is "Reboot (SNAPSHOT, r4782-80e2ee3e64)" installed last week. My kernel is

# uname -a
Linux gateway 4.4.85 #0 SMP Fri Sep 1 14:05:59 2017 mips GNU/Linux

I'm guessing the install that I used is old, yet I obtained it here on September 1st (5 days ago).

I am not sure where to go from here...

@tmomas thanks. I had just read that page and taken the view that I should probably reinstall the using stable firmware. I tried force-depends but it didn't work.

YAMon ( also monitors usage on a per device basis and does support IPv6 traffic