Everything went fine, but after flashing and doing "opkg update" I try to install some packages and get:
satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for dockerd:*
kernel (= 5.15.162-1-ff3c8e5d13ba51d6e12024010af1a071)*
opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package*
Got this error for dockerd, sqm-scripts, etc.
But some packages worked fine, like adblock, ddns-scripts, etc.
Saw this post: https://openwrt.org/faq/cannot_satisfy_dependencies
Just to clarify, while doing "make menuconfig" just need to mark the softwares i want with < M > instead of < * > and then try to install then after flashing?
I tried to add docker and sqm-scripts in "make menuconfig" with <*> but got compiling error.
To summarise: my main goal is to make an updated Openwrt image with some extras packages.
First attempt: Got compiling error when tried to add some packages with menuconfig.
Second attempt: Did a clean install with my compiled image and got wrong kernel version trying to install some software's.
Can anyone help me to understand the deal with kernel version / kernel mismatch?
Q: why not simply add the extra modules they list in the doc
A: Really wanted to compile it myself, but seems to be an easier solution if it works. I will give a try. Also, compiling myself give me the opportunity to see all available options through menuconfig.
Q: search the forum for vermagic, if you want to go down this road.
A: Thanks for the info.
Q: thought this only worked for modules
A: you right, just double checked it
DIY also lets you set the root FS size, using the link provided the image will always be ~100MB, and you'll have to resize the FS yourself, afterwards.
you'll however run into this issue with every kmod you'll try to install from the official repo, unless you apply the vermagic "hack".
if you create your own image, from source, the kmods have to come from you too.