Hairpin NAT Hotplug script

I have quite some subnets connected to my router. I want all of them to be able to be able to enter my DMZ using the external Router-IP (Port Forwarding). Using the OpenWRT-Port-Forwardings, I could access it from outside, but not from any interface inside.

Therefore, I wrote myself a quick&dirty hotplug-script today as a replacement to the uci port forwardings and got it working. Just wanted to share the code if someone is interested:

DEST_IP="the IP of the destination"
COMMENT="MYNAT_${WANT_IF}_${PORTS}_${DEST_IP}" #IMPORTANT:Has to be unique in order to delete the correct rule on ifdown

[ "$INTERFACE" = "$WANT_IF" ] || exit 0

source /lib/functions/
case "$ACTION" in
		network_get_ipaddr ipaddr "$WANT_IF"
		iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -d $ipaddr -p tcp -m tcp --match multiport --dports "$PORTS" -m comment --comment "$COMMENT" -j DNAT --to-destination "$DEST_IP"
		#DELETE the last Rule FIFO-style; delete it delayed some hours until all dns caches are cleared (the DMZ can be reached using both IPs during this duration)
		(sleep 10000; iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING $(iptables -t nat --line-number -nL PREROUTING | grep "$COMMENT" | awk '{print $1}' | tail -n 1);) &

If you have some improvements, you are very welcome!

  • Are there some scenarios in which such code could lead to bad events? (Deleting the wrong iptables rule?)
  • Is the code well enough to put it somewhere into the wiki?

God bless you!

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This is absolutely fantastic! Thank you so much for posting! And you were kind enough to call on our Lord! May God bless you and your family!

Thanks @securecryptomining ! Sadly this script had a issues, I don't remember. I think the rules didn't survive a firewall reload (e.g. when making changes in luci). Afterwards the NAT was gone.