Gwlim great but i need netem as well

hy there i recently installed glim and i love it but i have one problem it wont let me download kmod netem
i get an error message about kernel
isnt corrtect version
heres my link im using
my router is tp link arecher c7 v5 eu

Details for package kmod-netem

  • Version: 4.19.123-1
  • Size: ~7.2 KB installed
  • Dependencies:
      • libpthread INSTALLED
        • libgcc1 INSTALLED
    • kmod-sched (54.9 KB) NOT INSTALLED
      • kmod-sched-core INSTALLED
      • kmod-ipt-core INSTALLED
        • kmod-nf-reject INSTALLED
        • kmod-nf-ipt INSTALLED
      • kmod-lib-crc32c (1.2 KB) NOT INSTALLED
        • kmod-crypto-crc32c (1.1 KB) NOT INSTALLED
          • kmod-crypto-hash INSTALLED

Kernel modules for emulating the properties of wide area networks

  • The installed version of package kernel is not compatible, require 4.19.123-1-1eeead79… while 4.19.88-1-ad9cf3a6… is installed.

Require version = 4.19.123-1-1eeead79165e05251a00d7cef457c9f2,
installed 4.19.88-1-ad9cf3a64089a14f38ec8c896312f7bc

i also get this message as well
Installing kmod-netem (4.19.123-1) to root... Downloading


Collected errors: * opkg_install_pkg: Package size mismatch: kmod-netem is 7983 bytes, expecting 7984 bytes * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package kmod-netem.

The opkg install command failed with code 255 .

can sombody help me get this build with netem as im stll a newbie

gwlim's builds use a modified kernel, and OpenWrt does not allow to install kmod packages from kernels that are not exactly the same; you cannot mix gwlim's kernel with official kmod packages:


Thank you for the help

Im just wandering can i install them from tar.Gz files
If so how would i do that

No, you can't.

Tarballs are usually used for offering sources, but kernel modules need to be cross-complied for your exact target/ kernel combination (sure, on a purely technical side it is possible to pack up matching kernel modules into a plain tarball, but that isn't common practice - once you go that route, packaging it as proper *.ipk package makes more sense and is actually even easier).

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Thank you again for the help as i am clueless
And i am trying to learn

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