Guidance adding new device Linksys Velop WHW03

Made some progress trying to understand how everything works but still learning, so my assumptions could be incorrect.

This device does not use NAND, but MMC, therefore no MTD was available.
mmcinfo will list the current MMC device, such as

Device: qca_mmc
Manufacturer ID: 15
OEM: 100
Name: 4FPD3
Tran Speed: 25000000
Rd Block Len: 512
MMC version 4.0
High Capacity: Yes
Capacity: 3.6 GiB
Bus Width: 8-bit

And to list partitions you can execute mmc part and will print the following:

Partition Map for MMC device 0  --   Partition Type: EFI

Part    Name                    Start LBA       End LBA
  1     0:SBL1                  0x00000022      0x00000421
  2     0:BOOTCONFIG            0x00000422      0x00000821
  3     0:QSEE                  0x00000822      0x00000C21
  4     0:QSEE_1                0x00000C22      0x00001021
  5     0:CDT                   0x00001022      0x00001221
  6     0:CDT_1                 0x00001222      0x00001421
  7     0:BOOTCONFIG1           0x00001422      0x00001621
  8     0:APPSBL                0x00001622      0x00001E21
  9     0:APPSBL_1              0x00001E22      0x00002621
 10     0:ART                   0x00002622      0x00002821
 11     u_env                   0x00002822      0x00003021
 12     s_env                   0x00003022      0x00003821
 13     devinfo                 0x00003822      0x00004021
 14     kernel                  0x00004022      0x00048021
 15     rootfs                  0x00008022      0x00048021
 16     alt_kernel              0x00048022      0x0008C021
 17     alt_rootfs              0x0004C022      0x0008C021
 18     sysdiag                 0x0008C022      0x0008C421
 19     syscfg                  0x0008C422      0x00747FDE

I have not been able to find a Device Tree Blob, but the first thing U-Boot does is to load at address 0x84000000 the content of the selected kernel, for instance the primary is located at 0x4022 for a size of 0x4000.
Command used could be mmc read 84000000 4022 4000.

This is in fact a FIT image that contains a config@1 structure with the kernel@1 and fdt@1.
This version of U-Boot comes with a couple of handy commands: imxtract and fdt.
With imxtract we can load part of the Device Tree to a memory address.
For instance, if I want to extract the fdt@1 from address 0x84000000 into address 0x84005000, I could run imxtract 84000000 fdt@1 84005000.

With the FDT in memory, we can load it and browse it.
fdt addr 84005000 and fdt print.

Now I will try to partially create the Device Tree, pull IPQ wifi firmware from Linksys EA8300, diff and complete the kernel config file from the GPL released code from Linksys with OpenWRT's default for IPq40xx, and build an image.