Guest Wifi, no access to internet

Remove this line. Reload firewall and try

thank you, rule removed but the problem is the same!
No internet!

I try but the problem do not change!

Remove this line too. If you want to use br-lan gateway, put the interface firewall in lan, but that would not make sense for your guest rules. Remove this line from gateway and leave default



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Have you followed the correct guide?
In the guide the uplink is via wan interface, but it is evident that you have a dumbAP and the gateway is on the lan interface. There is a separate guide for that.

I have found the correct configuration.
I removed this roule:
network.guest.gateway='' and set the netmask
and changed this:
in this

and reboot.
The guest have internet!

Thank you all!!!

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I Am very disappointed!
It worked briefly, after I have the same problem came back....

Remove netmask and leave default. I restarted the network and try

The guide says:

uci set network.guest="interface"
uci set network.guest.proto="static"
uci set network.guest.device="br-guest"
uci set network.guest.ipaddr=""
uci set network.guest.netmask=""

But your config says:

network.guest.dns='' ''

I would start with a basic working configuration, follow the guide without adding anything unneeded, and make sure it works before adding more changes.

I have used this guide:

# Configure network uci -q delete network.guest_dev uci set network.guest_dev="device" uci set network.guest_dev.type="bridge" uci set"br-guest" uci -q delete network.guest uci set network.guest="interface" uci set network.guest.proto="static" uci set network.guest.device="br-guest" uci set network.guest.ipaddr="" uci set network.guest.netmask="" uci commit network /etc/init.d/network restart

Sorry, witch is the correct guide???

I have changed only the IP!
On I have the voip!

There is an extra "gateway" parameter (and I must confess I looked no further).

The internet gateway is:
You can see on the list.
and this:
but if this is set or no do not change the result because the guest do not access on internet.

In the pass I usa dd-wrt and I remeber is necessary insert per setup of firewall to permitt the bridging from lan to guest on openwrt this setup where is???

this morning I reset the AP to default, and used only the command in this guide.
The guest do not access to internet!

Ok so now I think I got what is the problem, the ap doesn't have a wan network because you are using it as a dumb ap and it is only forwarding data via lan, so the firewall rules don't work because you have specified a wan interface in them to forward data from lan but such network doesn't exist.

Now you have 2 choices

  1. Create a wan network on the dumb ap which will
    then get the forwarded data from the guest
    interface and hence get internet connectivity, this
    could be tested by specifying a dummy wan
    which uses your main router as dhcp gateway.

  2. On your main router create a guest interface and
    then on your ap use the interface of the main
    router as gateway address.

You keep following the wrong guide. There is specific guide for your case.

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@trendy so would the only change required be from wan here to lan?
Like this

Maybe that would be enough, but I cannot tell for sure what else might be mixed. It's better to follow the guide anyway.

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