Gretap interface not coming up

I'm trying to set up a gretap tunnel and have installed the following packages:


I'm using LEDE Reboot 17.01.4 r3560-79f57e422d on Fritzbox 7360. (tried with 17.0.1 and also didn't work)
When i add the tunnel with ip command everything works fine, but when I add the configuration in /etc/config/network, the interface won't come up and there is no errors in thee log.

My config:

config interface 'gt'
        option type 'gretap'
        option ipaddr ''
        option peeraddr ''
        option force_link '1'

I can't find a solution in the forum or anywhere else.
What am I doing wrong?

Please help!

Thanks in advance!

Best regards

Quick check on a box running gretap tunnels:

$ lsmod | fgrep gre
gre                     2067  2 ip6_gre,ip_gre
ip_gre                 10005  0 
ip_tunnel              11280  1 ip_gre
ip6_gre                13232  0 
ip6_tunnel             21135  1 ip6_gre

I vaguely remember that, at least at one time, you needed to explicitly add the implementation kmod as well.

Hi Jeff, thanks for helping!

The output is the following:

root@ap2:~# lsmod | fgrep gre

gre                     1184  1 ip_gre
ip_gre                  9536  0
ip_tunnel              11616  1 ip_gre

An excerpt of my config is at

I'd check log messages if the interface isn't being created at all. Also, force_link rings a bell, but I don't recall the details.

Edit: Saw your post on the other thread -- the config you posted there is different than what you posted above.

Yes, I've tried with your config, but still no success.

There is nothing the messages, is there a way to change the loglevel for the interfaces?

Thanks in advance!

You can set -x or set -vx or the like in the netifd shell scripts. set +x will disable it again.

In /lib/netifd/proto/ for example?

Where will this be logged then? It's not available in logread?

That looks like the right file, yes -- I'm pretty sure that stdout/stderr form those scripts will be logged

I have the suspicion that the script won't get executed as there is really nothing gets logged about the gre interface..
Could this be possible?

When I'm executing the script, I get the following error:

./ line 1: add_protocol: not found

I guess it's because I'm execute in standalone mode?

Those scripts can "only" be executed by netifd in the context that it creates.

Hmm.. Damn, it's really crappy to debug -,-

Isn't there any other easier and better way to debug?
set -x in the script won't help anyways :confused:

Yes, it works and yes, it's helpful.

Why I can't see anything with 'logread' then? What am I doing wrong?

I have no serial access to the devic btw.

Are you adding

set -x

inside of the declared function you want to trace, or over the entire file? You want it for execution within the function in question, not when the entire file is "sourced".

Oh ok, 've added it in the top of the file.
I'm trying in the function now.


[ -n "$INCLUDE_ONLY" ] || {
        . /lib/
        . /lib/functions/
        . ../
        init_proto "$@"

gre_generic_setup() {
        set -x
        local cfg="$1"
        local mode="$2"
        local local="$3"
        local remote="$4"
        local link="$5"
        local mtu ttl tos zone ikey okey icsum ocsum iseqno oseqno multicast
        json_get_vars mtu ttl tos zone ikey okey icsum ocsum iseqno oseqno multicast

        [ -z "$zone" ] && zone="wan"
        [ -z "$multicast" ] && multicast=1

        proto_init_update "$link" 1

        json_add_string mode "$mode"
        json_add_int mtu "${mtu:-1280}"
        [ -n "$df" ] && json_add_boolean df "$df"
        [ -n "$ttl" ] && json_add_int ttl "$ttl"
        [ -n "$tos" ] && json_add_string tos "$tos"
        json_add_boolean multicast "$multicast"
        json_add_string local "$local"
        json_add_string remote "$remote"
        [ -n "$tunlink" ] && json_add_string link "$tunlink"
        json_add_string info "${ikey:-0},${okey:-0},${icsum:-0},${ocsum:-0},${iseqno:-0},${oseqno:-0}"

        [ -n "$zone" ] && json_add_string zone "$zone"

        proto_send_update "$cfg"

gre_setup() {
        set -x
        local cfg="$1"
        local mode="$2"
        local remoteip

        local ipaddr peeraddr
        json_get_vars df ipaddr peeraddr tunlink

        [ -z "$peeraddr" ] && {
                proto_notify_error "$cfg" "MISSING_PEER_ADDRESS"
                proto_block_restart "$cfg"

        remoteip=$(resolveip -t 10 -4 "$peeraddr")

        if [ -z "$remoteip" ]; then
                proto_notify_error "$cfg" "PEER_RESOLVE_FAIL"

        for ip in $remoteip; do

        ( proto_add_host_dependency "$cfg" "$peeraddr" "$tunlink" )

        [ -z "$ipaddr" ] && {
                local wanif="$tunlink"
                if [ -z $wanif ] && ! network_find_wan wanif; then
                        proto_notify_error "$cfg" "NO_WAN_LINK"

                if ! network_get_ipaddr ipaddr "$wanif"; then
                        proto_notify_error "$cfg" "NO_WAN_LINK"

        [ -z "$df" ] && df="1"

        case "$mode" in
                        gre_generic_setup $cfg $mode $ipaddr $peeraddr "gre4t-$cfg"
                        gre_generic_setup $cfg $mode $ipaddr $peeraddr "gre4-$cfg"

proto_gre_setup() {
        set -x
        local cfg="$1"

        gre_setup $cfg "greip"

proto_gretap_setup() {
        set -x
        local cfg="$1"

        local network
        json_get_vars network

        gre_setup $cfg "gretapip"

        json_add_string name "gre4t-$cfg"
        json_add_boolean link-ext 0

        for i in $network; do
                ubus call network.interface."$i" add_device "$(json_dump)"

grev6_setup() {
        local cfg="$1"
        local mode="$2"
        local remoteip6

        local ip6addr peer6addr weakif
        json_get_vars ip6addr peer6addr tunlink weakif

        [ -z "$peer6addr" ] && {
                proto_notify_error "$cfg" "MISSING_PEER_ADDRESS"
                proto_block_restart "$cfg"

        remoteip6=$(resolveip -t 10 -6 "$peer6addr")

        if [ -z "$remoteip6" ]; then
                proto_notify_error "$cfg" "PEER_RESOLVE_FAIL"

        for ip6 in $remoteip6; do

        ( proto_add_host_dependency "$cfg" "$peer6addr" "$tunlink" )

        [ -z "$ip6addr" ] && {
                local wanif="$tunlink"
                if [ -z $wanif ] && ! network_find_wan6 wanif; then
                        proto_notify_error "$cfg" "NO_WAN_LINK"

                if ! network_get_ipaddr6 ip6addr "$wanif"; then
                        [ -z "$weakif" ] && weakif="lan"
                        if ! network_get_ipaddr6 ip6addr "$weakif"; then
                                proto_notify_error "$cfg" "NO_WAN_LINK"

        case "$mode" in
                        gre_generic_setup $cfg $mode $ip6addr $peer6addr "gre6t-$cfg"
                        gre_generic_setup $cfg $mode $ip6addr $peer6addr "gre6-$cfg"

proto_grev6_setup() {
        local cfg="$1"

        grev6_setup $cfg "greip6"

proto_grev6tap_setup() {
        local cfg="$1"

        local network
        json_get_vars network

        grev6_setup $cfg "gretapip6"

        json_add_string name "gre6t-$cfg"
        json_add_boolean link-ext 0

        for i in $network; do
                ubus call network.interface."$i" add_device "$(json_dump)"

gretap_generic_teardown() {
        set -x
        local network
        json_get_vars network

        json_add_string name "$1"
        json_add_boolean link-ext 0

        for i in $network; do
                ubus call network.interface."$i" remove_device "$(json_dump)"

proto_gre_teardown() {
        set -x
        local cfg="$1"

proto_gretap_teardown() {
        set -x
        local cfg="$1"

        gretap_generic_teardown "gre4t-$cfg"

proto_grev6_teardown() {
        local cfg="$1"

proto_grev6tap_teardown() {
        local cfg="$1"

        gretap_generic_teardown "gre6t-$cfg"

gre_generic_init_config() {
        set -x

        proto_config_add_int "mtu"
        proto_config_add_int "ttl"
        proto_config_add_string "tos"
        proto_config_add_string "tunlink"
        proto_config_add_string "zone"
        proto_config_add_int "ikey"
        proto_config_add_int "okey"
        proto_config_add_boolean "icsum"
        proto_config_add_boolean "ocsum"
        proto_config_add_boolean "iseqno"
        proto_config_add_boolean "oseqno"
        proto_config_add_boolean "multicast"

proto_gre_init_config() {
        set -x
        proto_config_add_string "ipaddr"
        proto_config_add_string "peeraddr"
        proto_config_add_boolean "df"

proto_gretap_init_config() {
        set -x
        proto_config_add_string "network"

proto_grev6_init_config() {
        proto_config_add_string "ip6addr"
        proto_config_add_string "peer6addr"
        proto_config_add_string "weakif"

proto_grev6tap_init_config() {
        proto_config_add_string "network"

[ -n "$INCLUDE_ONLY" ] || {
        set -x
        [ -f /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/gre.ko ] && add_protocol gre
        [ -f /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/gre.ko ] && add_protocol gretap
        [ -f /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ip6_gre.ko ] && add_protocol grev6
        [ -f /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ip6_gre.ko ] && add_protocol grev6tap

This is the way I've added the set -x, but no logs in logread, when I restart the network... :confused:

Likely a problem with your logging, perhaps either log level or that you're overrunning the buffer.

2018 May  5 14:21:59 office notice netifd: Network device 'lo' link is up
2018 May  5 14:21:59 office notice netifd: Interface 'loopback' has link connectivity 
2018 May  5 07:21:59 office info kernel: [   27.411027] br-vlan102: port 1(eth1.102) entered learning state
2018 May  5 14:22:00 office notice netifd: gt97 (1247): + proto_send_update gt97
2018 May  5 14:22:00 office notice netifd: gt97 (1247): + local 'interface=gt97'
$ diff -u /rom/lib/netifd/proto/ /lib/netifd/proto/ 
--- /rom/lib/netifd/proto/	2018-04-08 08:03:02.000000000 -0700
+++ /lib/netifd/proto/	2018-06-29 15:28:04.000000000 -0700
@@ -47,7 +47,9 @@
 	[ -n "$zone" ] && json_add_string zone "$zone"
+	set -x
 	proto_send_update "$cfg"
+	set +x
 gre_setup() {

Hmm.. Tried like in your script now, but still no logs :pensive:
When I add set -x to /etc/init.d/network or in an rc.d script I'm getting logs. So I'm still having the suspicion that the script won't get executed...:persevere:

The lack of logs should help you figure out what is wrong with your configuration. You might need to trace the process carefully to see why. Conditional execution of set -x should be possible, based on the interface name.

This isn't my first configuration of a gretap tunnel in openwrt or lede but the first time that it's not working with uci.
The box is fresh flashed. I'm sure that this must be a bug.