Interesting explaination knew so much about them. I used to use Adblock and switched over to your new one.
tl;dr I'll stick with your Adblock-Fast, it works great, thanks!
Interesting explaination knew so much about them. I used to use Adblock and switched over to your new one.
tl;dr I'll stick with your Adblock-Fast, it works great, thanks!
Hello @lancethepants welcome to OpenWrt Forum
Try moving the 5GHz over to HE80 and test again...
If @sfx2000 idea does not work you also need to go back to as basic default as possible (aka not WPA3 SAE and back to WPA2). If running both 80 Mhz and WPA2 fails to give you those speeds, then we can look into other problem.
@sfx2000 @gameinn @EXREYFOX
ok, after some tinkering I've narrowed the issue to a failing switch upstream to the router. When bypassing it the issue disappears. Sorry to false alarm.
Thanks for quick troubleshooting responses, this is really an amazing community. In full transparency and since @EXREYFOX recognizes me from another forum, I'm creating a port of Tomato firmware to the GL-MT6000. I periodically test upstream OpenWrt (which I heavily depend on) before syncing and wanted to see how 24.10 was shaping up. Thanks again!
@zhaojh329 Please help me
Hello all I am trying to install the latest snapshot available on the date i post this.
Did the usual like always do and after updating did the opkg update && opkg install luci with putty. Where normally updates is cannot find the package. When i do a opkg update normally i see that the package list is updated but now nothing. I read there a new package manager coming ( apk ) is this already online ? And if so how to install Lucy after upgrading a snapshot or installing.
Running the stable now but that wasn't the plan.
Well as of today or maybe yesterday opkg update dont work anymore for main branch
So i do think it is default on new snapshots.
Also commit:
When i visit the repository urls what opkg follows i see everything turned to APK.
Though im very interested to learn what benefits APK offer which OPKG doesn't, like: does it give it compatibility with packages from alpine linux?
You should have luci already installed if you use firmware selector. I haven't tried installing this though. There's also "build your own" solution.
approx 20 years more modern package management than the ancient opkg that we have used.
But no binary compatibility with Alpine Linux.
It will take 1-2 days until all targets & package architectures have been re-built for apk. Until then it is uncertain how well e.g. imagebuilder works.
Building from sources naturally works.
Tested & failed... it does not work at the moment. Everyone be patient for a few days (or build from sources).
Right now:
phase1 buildbot has built the basic images and SDK
phase2 buildbot has not yet built packages with the new SDK:
(next build "10" should htne be with the new SDK with apk packages)
Apparently the first attempt with the default as apk really set via defaults caused uncertain .config contents.
nbd's fix ( ) was merged an hour ago, so buildbot is generating fixed images now...
SDKs for package compilation are likely ok already, so phase2 buildbot should be happy even without this fix.
Accurate and informative as always - thank you!
Going to wait for a while. I have a gl-mt3000 spare that will be my testing victim to see if the new update system works. Thanks for the explanation. One question with APK change will there be a manual command to install luci as there is with opkg?
After a chat with the GL-Inet Folks...
Here's the MTK u-boot source
I just installed the base image and added back the packages I use with apk
, pretty cool!
Stupid Question:
I've read as much of this thread as I can. Terrible way to convey evergreen information but... I'm not sure if I should keep the OpenWRT 24.0 (version OpenWrt 24.0 r27229+44-ebe7c5f1a3 Kernel 6.6.47 + the GL GUI) on my Flint2 or switch over to "real" OpenWRT 24.10 without the GL GUI.
I'm not sure what I get. I have modest needs:
So... Once I know if I should move to 24.10 from 24.0-GL I'll know what to research next.
Sorry for muddying technical chat with noob question.
Been using GL-MT6000 for nearly a year now, mostly use main snapshots. It's a fantastic device one of the best ARM options right now. Yes to flashing official OpenWrt builds.
Tested today with your commands and the latest snapshot is running now.