GL-iNet AX1800 new router - OpenWrt support?

Right if i have done this right which i hope i have, you should be able to flash this build via WebGUI and have opkg working.



These are Kernel 5.4 versions. Please test and let me know.

So right now the issues known are kernel modules will not install due to versioning differences however applications will work unless they need a kernel module.

Trying to compile everything at once to get over the versioning issue will result in broken images, so i am taking the pain staking task of enabling each item one at a time and then re-compiling till i find the ones with the issues to then make sure they aren't included into the profile.

3/4G support is not added yet due to the issue above however if they are causing issues will be added. Once i have managed to pin point the problem and resolve it there will be an updated script to include modules.yml which will have everything i set to =m in there to make it nice and tidy.

If your having issues please report them.

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Hello, I don't want to be that one person but I've been trying to compile a version of OpenWRT from the above scripts but it has repeatedly failed [firmware file is 0kb or has an empty rootfs, as in folders without files].

I've built OpenWRT manually before for the Raspberry Pi 4 but I don't know what's going wrong here, any thoughts?

cat << EOF>
echo "   ______ __           _  _   __       __                                                             ";
echo "  / ____// /          (_)/ | / /___   / /_                                                            ";
echo " / / __ / /   ______ / //  |/ // _ \ / __/                                                            ";
echo "/ /_/ // /___/_____// // /|  //  __// /_                                                              ";
echo "\____//_____/      /_//_/ |_/ \___/ \__/                                                              ";
echo "   ______ __           ___    _  __ ___ ____   ____   ____      __ ______ __     ____ _   __ ______ _ ";
echo "  / ____// /          /   |  | |/ /<  /( __ ) / __ \ / __ \   _/_// ____// /    /  _// | / //_  __/| |";
echo " / / __ / /   ______ / /| |  |   / / // __  |/ / / // / / /  / / / /_   / /     / / /  |/ /  / /   / /";
echo "/ /_/ // /___/_____// ___ | /   | / // /_/ // /_/ // /_/ /  / / / __/  / /___ _/ / / /|  /  / /   / / ";
echo "\____//_____/      /_/  |_|/_/|_|/_/ \____/ \____/ \____/  / / /_/    /_____//___//_/ |_/  /_/  _/_/  ";
echo "                                                           |_|                                 /_/    ";
echo "    ____          _  __     __     ______              _                                       __     ";
echo "   / __ ) __  __ (_)/ /____/ /    / ____/____  _   __ (_)_____ ____   ____ ___   ___   ____   / /_    ";
echo "  / __  |/ / / // // // __  /    / __/  / __ \| | / // // ___// __ \ / __ \`__ \ / _ \ / __ \ / __/    ";
echo " / /_/ // /_/ // // // /_/ /    / /___ / / / /| |/ // // /   / /_/ // / / / / //  __// / / // /_      ";
echo "/_____/ \__,_//_//_/ \__,_/    /_____//_/ /_/ |___//_//_/    \____//_/ /_/ /_/ \___//_/ /_/ \__/      ";
echo "                                                                                                      ";
echo ""                                                                                               "                                                                                           ";
read -p "Press any key to continue setting up system build enviroment... " -n1 -s
echo ""
sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade -y
sudo apt install device-tree-compiler build-essential gawk gcc-multilib flex git gettext libncurses5-dev libssl-dev \
python3-distutils zlib1g-dev libncursesw5-dev xsltproc rsync wget unzip python3-distutils python3 \
rsync subversion swig time libelf-dev java-propose-classpath ccache ecj fastjar file g++ python3-setuptools \
openjdk-11-jdk bcc libxml-parser-perl libusb-dev bin86 sharutils zip fakeroot make sed bison autoconf automake \
python3-yaml patch perl-modules* python3-dev bash binutils bzip2 gcc util-linux intltool help2man curl subversion

## Clone Intra ##
git clone
cd ~/gl-infra-builder
python3 -c config-wlan-ap-5.4.yml

## Add Themes ##
cd ~/gl-infra-builder/wlan-ap/openwrt/package
git clone 
git clone

## Complete Intra Setup ##
cd ~/gl-infra-builder/wlan-ap/openwrt
#./scripts/ target_wlan_ap-gl-ax1800-5-4 luci
./scripts/ target_wlan_ap-gl-ax1800-5-4 solidus1983

## Update packages ##
cd ~/gl-infra-builder/wlan-ap/openwrt/
./scripts/feeds update -a
./scripts/feeds install -a

### Run Menuconfig to adjust things ##
cd ~/gl-infra-builder/wlan-ap/openwrt/
./scripts/ > ~/gl-infra-builder/wlan-ap/openwrt/
read-p  ~/gl-infra-builder/wlan-ap/openwrt/ -n1 -s
#read -p "Edit the .config file and then press any key to continue... " -n1 -s
make menuconfig

## Compile ##
cd ~/gl-infra-builder/wlan-ap/openwrt/
make -i -j$(($(nproc)+1)) V=sc download tools toolchain world
## Diaganostics
#make -j1 V=sc 

Copy and paste that into a SSH Window? it should set everything up if your using Debian/Ubuntu. will have an updated script if it's adjusted like it has been.

Update: Also running on the latest compile i have made without issue and solid performance thus far.



I'm new to OpenWRT, but not to development, got some questions.

What changes where made from the original repo (Except for newer kernel)?
Also, did the original repo not compile or did you just want the latest kernel?

Please look at the script and the files it calls it will help you understand trust me.

But the TLDR is, The repo is a direct fork from GL-iNet, the only difference between them is the the two .yaml files which has a set package list to compile with that is known to work without compile issues.

Even with kernel 4.x.x i was having issues with compiling with certain packages.
The script is to make it easy for anyone to simply install debian/ubuntu run script and have it all setup and compiling with ease.

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I am having an issue getting serial to work on the ax1800. What hardware do you use for it? Also what is the settings as well. @solidus1983

Using a Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge and putty with speed set to 115200 8/1 n XON/XOFF

Have you checked the pinout and made sure you haven't got v3.3 VCC connected.

Right, anyone knows how to port/convert dst/dsti/dtb aka device tree that could assist in pointing me in the right direction?

Belkin RT3200 is horrible at range coverage. Don't buy it.

Wasn't going to, it's not fast(er) enough compared to my AC2600s ...

For me I get better coverage then my WRT32x, I replaced it with an RT3200 and performance has been great though 2 walls.

Thanks for the useful script @solidus1983, I've been able to build openWRT using ubuntu and flash it on the router. So far its working great, no issues. On the opkg I get an error on update though, sh: update_plugins_db: not found, do you know what the issue is or of a fix? Thanks

I also get that error however unsure how to fix it, but it can be safely ignored for now.

I am concentrating on getting GL-AX1800 on OpenWRT fully so that we aren't using OpenWiFi's (TIP) which is what Gl-iNet is using right now.

However, will need a lot of help to get there.

Need some testers, OpenWRT native for flint is booting and can be flashed via uboot. DM me please.

Thanks to a few members of this community for helping out you know who you are.


A friend of mine has a flint and I have a usb serial ft232rl uart cable.

In a game right now will send link after for image. Will need to be flashed in uboot gui mode.

I have already used . Thank you for your contribution.

Which one have you used the infrabuild or the openwrt build??

the openwrt build ,kernel 5.15

Where did you get the image from? Only shared it with 3 people.

I used your source code and I compiled it.

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