Getting topology of the network

Hi All,

To get topology of a LAN, I have used LLDP package. I use the following scenarios:
1- Using bridge in LAN of openwrt routers: to unified LAN ports and LAN ports in each routers, I use lan-bridge mode. However. bridge mode is done in link layer and I cannot see the routers. In other words, When two nodes A and B connected to the routers by LAN, if I use LLDP, it shows that A and B are directly connected to each others, while they are connected to the routers and do not have direct physical link.

2- Using WAN port: I have used WAN port on my router to connect openwrt routers together. In this scenario, each routers and systems connected to the router are a local LAN. But, When I set IP for each LAN port, it has its own neghboring table!

Is there any solution to get topology of the network?


Sounds similar?

i.e try snapshot, add your voice to issue if needed.

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Thank you very much for the link.