Full-featured custom build for Dynalink DL-WRX36 (AX3600)

Well maybe i can send you in the correct direction. There is a large thread in the community forums called "Qualcommax NSS Build". It's very active so you will find it near the top. Here's the link just in case: Qualcommax NSS Build

There is no direct link to a build directly in the OP since its fully focussed on development and maintaining the necessary code.

Fortunately there are a talented people there who compile build for various devices. I you search the topic you'll find Agustin Lorenzo who compiled the code into builds for several devices, including our own DL-WRX36. I tested his NSS build 1-2 months ago and its a pearl. Worked like a dream, very stable, awsome performance.

There is only one downside in my case and that might be for you as well. If you want extra packages that rely on Kmods, you can't install them from the software repository. KMODS need to be compiled against the kernel where it's build against (at least that is my understanding).

in my case: i need SQM (which has KMOD dependancies) since i am on a cable connection, without SQM my Bufferbloat is horrible (1000 down / 100 up).

That was the beauty of the build of the OP (Jkool702), it has those plugins like SQM. Unfortunately i experienced drop outs so i had to shift back to the OpenWRT nightly builds.

I also tried to compile it myself but i am just not gifted enough.

Here is the link to Agustin Lorezo's Github where under releases you'll find builds, including the DL-WRX36:

If you happen to find a stock NSS build with SQM plz let me know :stuck_out_tongue: