Hello everyone! I use guide https://openwrt.org/toh/avm/avm_fritz_box_7360_v2
I use CMD or PowerShell. On step 5 Passive mode doesn't work. On step 6 I get - 502 command not implemented and can't open data.
What should I do or what I do wrong?
Hello everyone! I use guide https://openwrt.org/toh/avm/avm_fritz_box_7360_v2
I use CMD or PowerShell. On step 5 Passive mode doesn't work. On step 6 I get - 502 command not implemented and can't open data.
What should I do or what I do wrong?
Not all ftp clients meet the necessary feature requirements, if in doubt you can also use a linux live system (with its access to a wider variety of cli based full-featured ftp clients) for the initial flashing.
ftp.exe does not support passive mode.
You need ncftp.exe as minimum.
I tried connecting it to different computers – it won't connect via FTP, there's no connection. It connects easily to the computer where I initially set it up. I noticed that if I don't enter FTP mode, the Power/DSL button slowly blinks red. Is this a brick? What should I do next?
you read the part on the wiki page you posted, about the ftp time window, right ?
Sure. I did connect, but only from 1 PC. With other two doesn't work. I did connect with ncftp.exe, but it says can not load File. I can Put here a log, If it helps.
Copy text from your console.
Here is text from my console.
C:\WINDOWS\system32>ncftp -u adam2 -p adam2
NcFTP 3.2.6 (Nov 15, 2016) by Mike Gleason (http://www.NcFTP.com/contact/).
Resolving Connecting to
ADAM2 FTP Server ready
Logging in...
User adam2 successfully logged in
Logging in... Command not implemented
Command not implemented
Command not implemented
Logged in to
ncftp / > quote GETENV HWRevision
Invalid reply: "HWRevision 196"
ncftp / > bin
Protocol violation by server: blank line on control.
ncftp / > passiv
passive off
ncftp / > passiv
passive on
ncftp / > quote MEDIA FLSH
Type set to BINARY
ncftp / > quote MEDIA FLSH
Media set to MEDIA_FLASH
ncftp / > put D:\openwrt-23.05.4.bin mtd1
Passive mode refused.
put D:\openwrt-23.05.4.bin: passive mode failed.
Cannot open local file mtd1 for reading (errno = 2).
put mtd1: could not open file.
Errno 2 is "file not found"
Try to skip commands with error returns like hwrevision, you are quite to the point repeating seemingly failing commands.
Yeah, but the file is there. Should I put it in another place? AS well it says "Passive Mode fails"
Seems hwrevision line desynchronized ftp control connection, try omitting it.
Didn't help. I've also tried set up a connection and right after that, use "put", didn't work.
Try to type debug
as first command to show full client/server exchanges.
It's unencrypted, could even tcpdump/wireshark the traffic.
OK, did the 2nd connection after PUT succeed?
What do you mean? Should I use put then try connecting with ftp?
Did the ftp PUT command to upload image to flash yield 2nd successful data connection, should be visible in tcpdumps -> go dissect tcp flows in wireshark.
The end of transscript has rather intense 3 errors, each fatal as in failing to upload correct file to correct place.
Ie - unblock download flag from file and disable firewalls and antiviruses. They may not like random program opening 2 connections and opening .bin file in non-windows format.
Well, I guess got a brick. Now it says could not connect to the and to the host. The router blinks three times green on power\DSL then starting to slowly blinking red.
Firewall was disable from the start. I don't use antivirus.
AVM has nice recovery tool for you.