Flash on Zyxel NR7101

Ah thanks. I noticed it had something about idling through 'teo'. But I presume that doesn't reduce power consumption and heat? Or would it?

How does it compare with the processor on the RT3200?

I finally managed to install openwrt on my telenor device but when i login to Http:// it says : System running in recovery (initramfs) mode. No changes to settings will be stored and are lost after rebooting. This mode should only be used to install a firmware upgrade

I am not sure what i did wrong. First i connected serial and opened for ssh/http.
Updated to latest zyxel firmware 100ABUV7C0.bin for test. All ok with 5g.

I then installed openwrt from OEM web firmware updated openwrt-22.03.2-ramips-mt7621-zyxel_nr7101-initramfs-recovery.bin

I did set
nvram setro uboot DebugFlag 0x1
setro uboot CheckBypass 0

before installing the OEM upgrade, but got unknown command on mtd_write -w write initramfs-recovery.bin Kernel

Please help anyone ?

You're missing the last installation step

  • Sysupgrade to the OpenWrt sysupgrade image and reboot

I guess this could be painted out in more detail in the instructions.

1 Like

I tried the Upgrading OpenWrt firmware using LuCI, but same message appears after reboot.
I think it is strange i did not sucseed to run the mtd_write -w write initramfs-recovery.bin Kernel command? I suppose my issue has something to do with it. ?

Tried again from cli

`root@OpenWrt:~# free
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:         250588       20120      210504       18404       19964      186712
Swap:             0           0           0
root@OpenWrt:~# sysupgrade -v /tmp/sysupgrade.bin
Cannot save config while running from ramdisk.
Fri Oct 14 22:56:39 UTC 2022 upgrade: Commencing upgrade. Closing all shell sessions.
Command failed: Connection failed

The command line sysupgrade looks fine to me. The warning about not being able to save config is normal and expected when running from RAM, and the "connection failed" is simply because the ssh session is killed as part of the upgrade preparation. This doesn't affect the upgrade, only the shell output. But you'll miss any unexpected errors of course. So it's obviously possible that this does fail for some reason.

Do you have fw_printenv and fw_setenv working in the initramfs environment? If so, what does

fw_printenv BootingFlag

tell you? If it's 1, then you could try

fw_setenv BootingFlag 0

I wasn't aware of this variable when I wrote the initial instructions. OpenWrt assumes it is set to 0.

To be honest i do not know what you are talking about, i was just trying to get this router up before christmas

root@OpenWrt:~# fw_printenv BootingFlag
-ash: fw_printenv: not found

Yes, I feared so. Just recently learned that uboot-envtools aren't included in the official images. I have proposed a fix for that: https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/project/openwrt/patch/20221117172129.1158061-1-bjorn@mork.no/
But that doesn't help you.

What you can do is to install the uboot-envtools package in the initramfs environment, and then run those fw_printenv and fw_setenv commands. That should work. If I'm right that BootingFlag is the problem. No guarantee. Could be something else..

Here is when i tried to upgrade from serial terminal.
the sysupgrade.bin is this file renamed: openwrt-22.03.2-ramips-mt7621-zyxel_nr7101-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin

root@OpenWrt:/# sysupgrade -v /tmp/sysupgrade.bin
Cannot save config while running from ramdisk.
Fri Oct 14 23:01:54 UTC 2022 upgrade: Commencing upgrade. Closing all shell sess                                                                                        ions.
Watchdog handover: fd=3
- watchdog -
Watchdog does not have CARDRESET support
Fri Oct 14 23:01:55 UTC 2022 upgrade: Sending TERM to remaining processes ...
Fri Oct 14 23:01:59 UTC 2022 upgrade: Sending KILL to remaining processes ...
[ 1058.571486] stage2 (2832): drop_caches: 3
Fri Oct 14 23:02:05 UTC 2022 upgrade: Switching to ramdisk...
Fri Oct 14 23:02:07 UTC 2022 upgrade: Performing system upgrade...
/lib/upgrade/do_stage2: line 119: fw_setenv: not found
/lib/upgrade/do_stage2: line 120: fw_setenv: not found
/lib/upgrade/do_stage2: line 121: fw_printenv: not found
/lib/upgrade/do_stage2: line 121: fw_setenv: not found
Unlocking Kernel ...

Writing from <stdin> to Kernel ...
removing ubiblock0_0
[ 1062.869418] block ubiblock0_0: released
Volume ID 0, size 31 LEBs (3936256 bytes, 3.7 MiB), LEB size 126976 bytes (124.0 KiB), dynamic, name "rootfs", alignment 1
Set volume size to 20189184
Volume ID 1, size 159 LEBs (20189184 bytes, 19.2 MiB), LEB size 126976 bytes (124.0 KiB), dynamic, name "rootfs_data", alignment 1
sysupgrade successful
umount: can't unmount /dev: Resource busy
umount: can't unmount /tmp: Resource busy
[ 1064.949607] reboot: Restarting system

                MT7621   stage1 code 10:33:11 (ASIC)
                CPU=50000000 HZ BUS=16666666 HZ
Change MPLL source from XTAL to CR...
do MEMPLL setting..
MEMPLL Config : 0x11100000
3PLL mode + External loopback
=== XTAL-40Mhz === DDR-1200Mhz ===
PLL3 FB_DL: 0xc, 1/0 = 516/508 31000000
PLL2 FB_DL: 0x10, 1/0 = 527/497 41000000
PLL4 FB_DL: 0x19, 1/0 = 533/491 65000000
do DDR setting..[00320381]
Apply DDR3 Setting...(use customer AC)

Thank you, i will try!

Well, if you stll have serial console attached then you can also change the variable in the U-Boot shell. Stop the boot with Esc, type atgu and then 4 to get into the U-Boot shell. Then

printenv BootingFlag

and optionally

setenv BootingFlag 0

EDIT: And let's not forget


like I always do....

4: System Enter Boot Command Line Interface.

U-Boot 1.1.3 (Jun  3 2020 - 08:39:27)
MT7621 #
MT7621 # printenv BootingFlag
MT7621 # setenv BootingFlag 0
MT7621 # saveenv
Saving Environment to NAND Flash...
..Erasing NAND Flash...
ranand_erase: start:80000, len:20000
.Writing to NAND Flash...
MT7621 #

Thanks! Booted up properly now! Now i will try to get it online. What packages do you recomend for connecting the modem? do i need modemmanager and qmi package ? anything else?

Modem Manager works very well but you need new version that has the report down script and you need to hack that to make it automatically reconnect. With that everything is super stable. I've had mine running for a long time now without any glitches.

Yes, i finally got connection now with modem manager. I have been "working" all day to install openwrt and get connection. A lot of reading for a newbie...

OpenWrt is fantastic. Do you intend to use this as your main router? You may want to consider cake plus cake-autorate to keep latency low. And also adblocking. For the latter you want to try adblock-oisd.

I bought 2 units used on Finn.no, one of them i finaly managed to install openwrt and connected to LTE.

Just connected the serial and booted up the other one, but did not manage to log in with the generated password.
Looks like someone has been working on it before. Sim card holder was loose. Tried a reboot and terminal only shows this:

If i start serial terminal after powering up it shows nothing...
Could it be the earlier owner changing the supervisor password ?

After replug usb to tty i got proper connection again, but still wrong password, so looks like i can confirm the generator does not work for every device..Dont know the age but serial starts with S210Z31000xxx

The first one was S200 , so maybe newer devices has other algorithm on keys...... ?

I guess it's possible they changed the algorithm, and even made the password true random. If so, then there's no hope.

You can always reset to factory defaults if the password was modified by a previous owner. See https://support.zyxel.eu/hc/en-us/articles/4404106191890-NR-5G-Series-Basic-Troubleshooting#h_01G2PQ1FN6VH7BVQ07FPJCMKZP

Just tested factory reset now. Incorrect password. So its E-waste now, or could i use it with a regular telenor sim? I do not have sim with "TrÄdlÞst bredbÄnd" subscription.

Should this be enough signals for 5G ? speedtest only gets about 60mbps..
Will access tech change to 5G when avaiable or? @bmork

root@ZYXEL_5G:~# mmcli -m any|grep access
           |             access tech: lte

root@ZYXEL_5G:~# mmcli -m any --signal-get
  Signal | refresh rate: 5 seconds
  LTE    |         rssi: -56.00 dBm
         |         rsrq: -9.00 dB
         |         rsrp: -85.00 dBm
         |          s/n: 5.60 dB
  5G     |         rsrq: -13.00 dB
         |         rsrp: -77.00 dBm
         |          s/n: 180.00 dB

RSRQ of -13 is very weak. It's not going to even try to switch over without more 5G signal.