In the spirit of the thread: a tip for debugging rules allowing (for example) SSH access from wan:
nft add rule inet fw4 mangle_prerouting tcp dport 22 meta nftrace set 1
nft monitor
Any packet matching the rule in the first line (tcp dport 22 in the mangle_prerouting chain) will then be traced through the remaining nftables chains, which is handy for debugging rules and understanding packet flows.
sorry for the stupid question, but do we expect firewall4 to be, first or then, a clean drop-in replacement for firewall3? i mean, do we expect a new firmware to work with old config?
i'm quite scared because now i have a lot of ipset-based rules that, as far as i have understood, are no more working with firewall4 (for dnmasq-full incompatibility?) so i'd like to know if i have to start rewriting anything from scratch or it will magically work, first or then
I think the intent is a drop-in replacement but there might be some headaches for users with custom stuff. Stick with the official release if you want to wait for bugs to be identified and fixed or help out with snapshot builds.
oh well i already tried with a master and i got no NSS acceleration and everythink stuck for ipset not working so at the moment i'd need to really start from scratch, and to be honest i haven't understood if some steps forward were made on ipset management ->
I'd like to help, but sadly i'm not able
(i also have some specific iptables custom rules in my firewall, but i know i'll have to review them, it's the basic compatibility with full packages that stops me..)
Switching to firewall4 I needed to replace my /etc/firewall.user that does DNS redirecting/enforcing for clients to use pihole (or as I do, dnsmasq on another server using an addn-hosts file generated from the StevenBlack blocklist as used by pihole and also the SmartTV blocklists).
# PIHOLE/DNSMASQ running on 2001:1234:abcd:5678::10
chain dns_adblock {
# Connections to/from pihole/dnsmasq server needs no filtering
ip saddr return
ip daddr return
# Clients outwith this (DHCP) range are unfiltered
ip saddr != return
# IPv6 is tricky as even if hosts are configured with static address they can still
# use non-sequential local and random privacy addresses so filter by MAC address
# Connection from pihole/dnsmasq server needs no filtering
ether saddr ab:cd:ef:12:34:56 return
meta mark set 0x53
dnat ip to
dnat ip6 to 2001:1234:abcd:5678::10
chain dstnat_dns {
type nat hook prerouting priority -99; policy accept;
iifname "br-lan" udp dport 53 jump dns_adblock
iifname "br-lan" tcp dport 53 jump dns_adblock
chain srcnat_dns {
type nat hook postrouting priority 101; policy accept;
meta mark 0x53 masquerade
With nftables you can have multiple hooks to the same hook and if the priority is higher than the official firewall4 entry it will be processed after. Keep the "policy accept" the same. Makes it easy as you can keep it separate without having to reference firewall4 chains.
As DoH is hard to block the easiest option, with normal firewall rules, is to reject connections to Google DNS address,, 2001:4860:4860::8888 and 2001:4860:4860::8844. Easily circumventable but will block most nefarious Android system, apps and smart TVs that seem to default to trying this to ensure their advertising gets through. And we don't want Google spying anyway...
Last note, the firewall4 dstnat chain shows "priority dstnat" which nft seems to translate from default NF_IP_PRI_NAT_DST (-100) and similarly for srcnat chain which shows "priority srcnat" from default NF_IP_PRI_NAT_SRC (100). With our above rules, -99 gets written as "priority dstnat + 1" and 101 shows "priority srcnat + 1". Confused me for a short while that it wasn't showing as a number.
As DoH is hard to block the easiest option, with normal firewall rules, is to reject connections to Google DNS address,, 2001:4860:4860::8888 and 2001:4860:4860::8844. Easily circumventable but will block most nefarious Android system, apps and smart TVs that seem to default to trying this to ensure their advertising gets through. And we don't want Google spying anyway...
You can set your pihole DNS server as default for router, create alias interface with google DNS address, and you're good to go. No problems with firewall rules.
Only setting an interfaces custom DNS server (which sets DHCP option 6 for DNS or via dnsmasq entries for a per client setting) will not block anybody trying to use their own DNS - you need firewall rules to force it.
If you wanted to redirect DNS (port 53) destined for any external DNS IP to your OpenWrt's internal DNS service:
## masquerading for ipv4 output on WAN
## assume eth1 is LAN interface
table ip masq {
chain masqin {
type nat hook prerouting priority 0; policy accept;
#"if you want to hijack all DNS to go to the router's port 53"
iifname eth1 th dport domain counter redirect to domain
Or if you wanted to block DNS and NTP (for example) to all external servers:
## assume eth0 is WAN interface
## assume eth1 is LAN interface
table inet filter {
chain forward {
type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;
iifname lo accept
iifname eth1 th dport { domain, ntp } oifname eth0 reject comment "Reject external DNS and NTP"
iifname eth1 oifname eth0 accept comment "Allow inside to forward to WAN"
counter log prefix "FIREWALL FAIL FORWARDING: " drop
Actually those two firewall rules didn't work for me. Using Cloudflare does not block ads (the router has NextDNS as upstream servers). The closest thing that worked for me was to block all connections to the WAN on port 53.