Firewall problem in LEDE

I have a little problem with the LEDE 17.01.4 r3560 firewall.
I want to cut off internet for some mac address at specific times.
I created a file with inside:

Insert rule for forwarding established connection traffic, just before the final rule (reject)
new_rule_num=$(iptables -v -L FORWARD --line-numbers | grep reject | cut -c1)
iptables -I FORWARD $new_rule_num -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

# Delete first rule for forwarding established connection traffic
old_rule_num=$(iptables -v -L FORWARD --line-numbers | grep ESTABLISHED | cut -c1 | sed -n 1p)
iptables -D FORWARD $old_rule_num

I installed the file in ect/ with scp

I added in the screduled task: */5 * * * * * * /etc/

Then I created my rules

It works but not completely:
the internet is allowed at the right time and cut off at the right time but not current connections
I explain myself: if a new request is made after the hour this one is cut but a connection in progress, like a download / streaming / games session ect, is not cut.
I am forced to make a restart of the firewall in lede system/startup

My base is

Does anyone have a solution

Translated with

You can use the program conntrack in the package with the same name if you want to delete an existing connection.

You can use cron to handle the blocking and unblocking timing, with something simple like:

To block:

iptables -I forwarding_rule -p all -m mac --mac-source <mac-address> -j REJECT
ip6tables -I forwarding_rule -p all -m mac --mac-source <mac-address> -j REJECT

To unblock:

iptables -D forwarding_rule -p all -m mac --mac-source <mac-address> -j REJECT
ip6tables -D forwarding_rule -p all -m mac --mac-source <mac-address> -j REJECT

Hi, I realise there has been no traffic here for sometime. I was following the instructions on and couldn't get it to work. It turns out that this was because I had set drop_invalid to 1 in my /etc/config/firewall rules which created an additional line that also needs to be moved.

I therefore added the following to the script - can the page be updated please?

check=$(iptables -v -L FORWARD --line-numbers | grep INVALID | wc -l)
if [ $check -gt 0 ]; then
  rule_del=$(iptables -v -L FORWARD --line-numbers | grep reject | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
  iptables -I FORWARD $rule_del -m conntrack --ctstate invalid -j DROP
  rule_del=$(iptables -v -L FORWARD --line-numbers | grep INVALID | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | sed -n 1p)
  iptables -D FORWARD $rule_del
  # Get rid of any duplicate INVALID rules (these seem to be caused when restarting the firewall)
  count=$(iptables -v -L FORWARD --line-numbers | grep INVALID | wc -l)
  while [ $count -gt 1 ]; do
      rule_num=$(iptables -v -L FORWARD --line-numbers | grep INVALID | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | sed -n 1p)
      iptables -D FORWARD $rule_num
      count=$(iptables -v -L FORWARD --line-numbers | grep INVALID | wc -l)

Thank you


It's a wiki; everybody can edit.

I tried logging in and it doesn't let me - different credentials?

Yes, you would need to register there as well.