Fast question about Fritz 7490 "for deutchland"

On most site I see "fritz 7490 International" and "Fritz 7490 for deutchland"
are they different in hardware? If I use a Openwrt firmware became "international" also the deutchland model?

More info

Deutchland version

International version

Seems is just a firmware stuff, hardware is identical

Not necessarily.

The models distributed in Germany only support Annex B for ADSL, while the internationally sold variants also support Annex A. This does require different analogue bandfilters and different bootstrapping for the SOC.

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Actually I use a "international" router. And dsl luci page said

"Annex B"

So I can stay safe even with a German router?

I have also a better Idea. I will try directly the German router on my dsl and after some minutes I will report the results

I'm writing now from german router and works.
The only problem is no way to access via ssh (I have disabled the pubauth only)
after restoring a backup. So I have to reinstall from 0 (sic!)
But I'm happy because router works (I bought it for a backup in case the first router fail some day)
I have only to test with annex A when arrive or change in my city

for ssh problem I have opened a thread some days ago

I made the backup with this command

tar -cvf bck.tar /etc

and restore it with

cd /
tar -xvf  bck.tar

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