Error while cross compiling for MIPSEL

Hello everybody.
I need a little help.
I'm trying to compile miniSAPserver for my Xiaomi Router 3G (v1)
If I normally compile the sources for my x86 computer, it works properly.

But when I use the cross compiler for mipsel : when I "make" I have this error :

message.cpp:53:5: error: 'u_long' was not declared in this scope

Do you know where is the problem ?

The code that's not working is this one :

    u_long ip_server = inet_addr (ip); //TODO automaticaly get it ?

in this file :

# include <config.h>

#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

#include "sapserver.h"
#include "program.h"
#include "message.h"

static const char mime_type[] = "application/sdp";

 * Constructors
Message::Message(uint16_t v, const char* ip)
    version = v;

    u_long ip_server = inet_addr (ip); //TODO automaticaly get it ?
    msg_len = 4
            + 4 /* (IPv4 specific) */
          /*+ authentification length (N/A) */
            + sizeof (mime_type);

    msg = (uint8_t *)realloc (NULL, msg_len);
    if (msg == NULL)
        return; // TODO: throw an exception

    // Build the Message Header once initialized according to RFC 2974 (SAP)

    /* Byte 0 : Version number V1        = 001      (3 bits)
     *          Address type   IPv4/IPv6 = 0/1      (1 bit)
     *          Reserved                   0        (1 bit)
     *          Message Type   ann/del   = 0/1      (1 bit)
     *          Encryption     on/off    = 0/1      (1 bit)
     *          Compressed     on/off    = 0/1      (1 bit) */
    msg[0] = 0x20;
    //if ( ip_version == SAP_IPV6 ) msg[0] |= 0x10;
    //if ( type == SAP_DELETE ) msg[0] |= 0x04;
    //if ( encrypted ) msg[0] |= 0x02;
    //if ( compressed ) msg[0] |= 0x01;

    /* Byte 1 : Authentification length - Not supported */
    msg[1] = 0x00;

    /* Bytes 2-3 : Message Id Hash */
    msg[2] = version & 0xff;
    msg[3] = version >> 8;

    /* Bytes 4-7 (or 4-19) byte: Originating source */
    memcpy (msg + 4, &ip_server, 4);

    /* finally MIME type */
    memcpy (msg + 8, mime_type, sizeof (mime_type));

 * Destructor
    if (msg != NULL)
        free (msg);

bool Message::AddProgram(Program *p)
    string sdp = "v=0\r\n";  // SDP version
    /* FIXME */
    /* RFC 2327 Compliance ? */
    if (p->HasCustomSDP())
        sdp = p->GetCustomSDP();
        string ipv = (p->GetAddress().find(':') == string::npos) ? "IP4" : "IP6";

        string ver="";
        stringstream ssin(ver);
        ssin << version;
        ver = ssin.str();
        sdp += "o=" + p->GetUser() + " " + ver + " 1 IN " + ipv + " "
                  + p->GetMachine() + "\r\n";
        sdp += "s=" + p->GetName() + "\r\n";
        sdp += "u=" + p->GetSite() + "\r\n";

        sdp += "c=IN " + ipv + " " + p->GetAddress();
        if (ipv == "IP4")
            sdp += "/" + p->GetTTL(); /* only IPv4 multicast shall have a TTL */
        sdp += "\r\n";

        if (p->IsPermanent())
            sdp += "t=0 0\r\n";
            return false;

        /* Session level attributes */
        sdp += "a=tool:" + (string)PACKAGE_STRING + "\r\n";

        if (p->HasPlGroup())
            sdp += "a=cat:" + p->GetPlGroup() + "\r\n";
            sdp += "a=x-plgroup:" + p->GetPlGroup() + "\r\n";

        /* Media and media-level attributes */
        sdp += "a=type:broadcast\r\n";
        sdp += "a=charset:UTF-8\r\n";

        char portbuf[6];
        snprintf(portbuf, sizeof(portbuf), "%u", (unsigned)p->GetPort());
        string port = portbuf;
        string m = "m=video " + port + " "
                 + (p->IsRTP() ? "RTP/AVP 33" : "udp mpeg") +"\r\n";

        if (p->IsRTP())
            m += "a=rtpmap:33 MP2T/90000\r\n";
            if (p->IsRTP() & 1)
               snprintf(portbuf, sizeof(portbuf), "%u", 1 + p->GetPort());
               port = portbuf;
               m += "a=rtcp:" + port + "\r\n";

        sdp += m;
    puts (sdp.c_str ());

    if (msg_len + sdp.length () > 1024)
        //RFC 2974 Chap 6.
        return false;

    // updates full message
    uint8_t *newmsg = (uint8_t *)realloc (msg, msg_len + sdp.length ());
    if (newmsg == NULL)
        return false;

    // TODO: don't identically overwrite earlier programs
    memcpy (newmsg + msg_len, sdp.c_str(), sdp.length ());
    msg = newmsg;
    msg_len += sdp.length ();

    return true;

I managed to solve the problem by changing the definition of the variable that was causing the problem.
I made a repository on github with the sources modified to be able to compile for OpenWrt :

There is also the binary compiled for MIPS processors

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