Enable script at startup with procd: permission changed


When I create a script with procd, I noticed that I can't run by default when I generate an image even if it is in init.d folder. The reasons are 2:

  • 1 - permissions are not set right even if I change it in the host machine, in the target machine are different
  • 2 - the script is not enabled by default but I need to do this manually.

Is there a way to keep permissions across compilation and make a script enabled by default in OpenWrt avoiding the manual process to enable it?



Is this an OpenWrt-related question?

  • Perhaps you left out some information?
  • Are you making a custom image or something?

Solved, I was trying to build an image by myself, I am using a distro derived by OpenWRT, so the solution was removing old files. Once the permissions have been set correctly then the program was starting as expected using procd

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