Edimax EW-7478APC double dataentry

@anon13997276 I noticed you have created a dataentry for Edimax EW-7478APC.
Since there was already a dataentry available for this device: Why have you created a second one?

This was by accident, I was not aware that you had created the page. Sorry. I googled for the page, did not find it and then evidently was too correct and added the version "1.0A" (I just saw this on the router's label), which allowed me to create a duplicate page. One of the pages can be deleted. You choose.
I also have a problem with the EW-7476RPC device detail table. For that device no version is in the hardware table and I am not able to get proper values selected into the "Supported Versions" part of the web-page. Instead doing something like

cols    : Unsupported Functions_unsupporteds
filter  : Brand=Edimax
filter  : Model=EW-7476RPC
filter  : Versions=*

---- datatable ----

gives me the rather interesting error message:

SELECT group_concat(DISTINCT " " || T1.value SEPARATOR '
                FROM (
                    SELECT DISTINCT pages.pid AS pid
                    FROM pages  LEFT JOIN data AS T1 ON T1.pid = pages.pid AND T1.key = 'brand' LEFT JOIN data AS T2 ON T2.pid = pages.pid AND T2.key = 'model' LEFT JOIN data AS T3 ON T3.pid = pages.pid AND T3.key = 'version'
                    WHERE 1 = 1 AND T1.value = 'Edimax' AND T2.value = 'EW-7476RPC' AND T3.value =* ''
                ) AS W1
                 LEFT JOIN data AS T1 ON T1.pid = W1.pid AND T1.key = 'unsupported functions'
                LEFT JOIN pages ON W1.pid=pages.pid
                GROUP BY W1.pid
                ORDER BY 1 ASC

There seems to be an issue parsing (end escaping!) the "*".

OK, double dataentry removed.

Sidenote: The fccid you had in the dataentry was incorrect, since it leads to BR-6478AC v2.

Hmm... I don't understand. All datatables on https://openwrt.org/toh/edimax/edimax_ew-7476rpc seem to be correct and complete.

Rule of thumb: If there is no version in the dataentry, the filter for version can be deleted.

I removed the version filter, but then I get an empty table.

If there are no unsupported functions, then the table is empty (and can be removed; did that now for both, 7476 + 7478).

I was maybe a little unspecific: What is missing from the tables are the download links for the images when I don't put a Version=. I only see them if there is a version for the router in the hardware table, see e.g. the EW-787APC page.

Where exactly are you missing download links? Can you please provide a screenshot of the datatable with the missing links?

Under the Installation heading, the links are empty, although they are filled in the device hardware table.

Ah ok, now I see.

I changed the datatable to snapshot instead of release, and now it shows the snapshot download url.

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Thanks a lot, this worked! And thanks also for deduplicating the EW-7478APC dataentry, I added the now missing picture to the remaining page again, so that page is now complete.