Dynalink DL-WRX36 Install

your choice, but it makes it easier to unbrick.

depends on what type if issue it is, but from a soft brick, yes.

the only overlapping part is bootcmd ?


would have been written in the wiki, if they weren't.


3.3 and onwards
Google and download Winscp and Putty (if you're on windows), things will be clearer
about scp and ssh, once you run them.

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Oh okay, I have used PuTTY before with a previous oWRT install.
But I'm on Fedora these days.
However, from the device wiki it's still not clear to me how to Login with SSH.|
I know Terminal has SSH but I don't know any commands to use to achieve this login. If anyone can point me in the right direction.

as for specifics like how to ssh and/or scp, read the last part of @hnyman's reply at Dynalink DL-WRX36 Askey RT5010W IPQ8072A technical discussion - #2688 by hnyman


as seen in the screenshot, only a Factory image and Sysupgrade image link is provided.
Where do I find the initramfs image?

You didn't read the whole thread, did you ?

Seems someone's f-ed up the wiki page, though.

For the stable 23.0.5 release:

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wiki page restored.


Okay I'm at Part1 Option A point 2 and I ran the command and got the following warning:

admin@DL-WRX36:~# fw_setenv bootcmd 'usb start && fatload usb 0:1 0x44000000 openwrt-23.05.2-ipq807x-generic-dynalin
k_dl-wrx36-initramfs-uImage.itb && bootm 0x44000000; bootipq'
Warning: Bad CRC, using default environment

What should I do?

Edit* I ran it again and got no warning, so holding thumbs...

Did the variable get written?
Check with fw_printenv

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Ran your suggested command and it seems to have worked thanks

Okay I think I've learnt how to use SCP for part 2 step 1
Does this command look right?:

scp -O openwrt-23.05.2-ipq807x-generic-dynalink_dl

If it works, then it's correct ,)

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The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:[spoiler]*I removed incase it's sensitive*[/spoiler].
This key is not known by any other names.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
User@'s password:

I tried my ssh password and the askey1234 mentioned in Part1 but neither are accepted.

You're now running the Openwrt initramfs, it has nothing to do with the Dynalink fw.


I now did

ssh root@

and set a password fine.

But still get 'permission denied' for my SCP command.

Was the host ' meant to be connected to an
ED25519 key fingerprint (as what just happened before)

The sshadministration link you shared mentions rsa keys.

I'm stuck..

I also tried adding this to my .ssh directory config file:
HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa

Post a screenshot of the command, including the output.

It looks like there's an extra space in the filename, running SCP ?

If you're on Windows, use winscp instead.

The greyed out boxes are my host PC's username

No spaces in the command

I'm using Fedora

assuming you're not root on your Fedora box, the scp command is wrong.

run as root, or man scp.

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You didn't specify the user name for remote.


Add the correct username at the router, so that you are not using the fedora user:

scp -O openwrt-23.05.2-ipq807x-generic-dynalink_dl-wrx36-squashfs-factory.ubi root@