I have wireless issues with MT76 driver for a long time.
Wifi is becoming unstable and extremely slow occasionally. Even file transfers fail due to network errors.
I contacted the vendor and they gave me this.
Does MT76 read RF data from "flash" or "efuse" for MT7602E/MT7612E?
board: unielec_u7621-06-16m
Sorry, but this is wrong. The mt76 driver used by OpenWrt does allow to read RF calibration data (and not just the MAC addresses) from flash and this is how it is done on the vast majority of embedded devices. Currently the location of the RF calibration data is defined using a custom device tree property, see for example
MT7621 routers with built-in wireless chips have this setting in their DTS files.
But my router unielec_u7621-06-16m is different. mPCIe wireless cards are purchased separately.
Manufacturer says RF data must be read from EFUSE, not from factory flash.
I couldn't find the same lines in the router's dts file:
If calibration data is stored in the efuse of the module's chip, then you don't need to do anything. The driver will load it from there (for example for mt76x2 which often go together with U7621-06 board):