Docker-ce, container configuration

$ARCH x86_64
docker-ce version: trunk


As a test, I am attempting to run nextcloud docker on on openwrt, part of enabling general docker support and providing docker images for my distrubution (in addition to VM image). I am having issues with configuration, compounded by lacking / confusing documentation.

For example; this appears to be obsolete (based on precompiled docker image files):

So, the very first thing I need is a pointer to current openwrt docker-ce usage and configuration guide. For now, I am using

Where I am at:

    "data-root": "/home/data/docker/",
    "log-level": "warn",
    "bridge": "br-lan"
/etc/init.d/dockerd start
docker run -d -p 8080:80 nextcloud (map docker internal port 80 to 8080)
root@SecureOffice:~# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                  NAMES
2c45458b679d        nextcloud           "/ apac…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute>80/tcp   silly_dijkstra
docker exec 192765624c3b ls /usr/sbin
...can execute internal docker command
root@SecureOffice:~# netstat -tunlp | grep 8080
tcp        0      0 :::8080                 :::*                    LISTEN      3661/docker-proxy
docker image appears to be listening on port 8080

Here's where I run into issue:
http://<lan_address>:8080 no response

So, I'm missing something. Is bridging docket to lan legit?


after a days research learning ...

Yes; BUT when a container is spun up (bridged to lan), docker assigns container IP addresses starting at (bridge ip) + 1 and container N will have ip address (bridge ip) + N +1.

Caution: This assignment happens with no guards against IP address conflicts. I had one with a VM at, which had to change.

with my bridge ip =, I can see nextcloud at
alternatively (using nginx), if I enable port 8080 accept, I should be able to see nextcloud at :8080

Caution: if researching how to set a fixed or DHCP IP address for containers, don't bother, waste of time, ballooning complexity. Use the N+1 rule above.

Hope this helps someone

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