Sadly I see that wireguard is recently banned here.
here? Define here? OpenWrt? Your ISP? Your country? Something else?
In my country Türkiye, but some ISP's still allow it. My cousin came in our house last month to work remotely, and he couldn't use most VPN's to do remote work, and now wireguard too. This is outrageous...
well, inbound connections (to remotely connect back to your own network) may or may not be limited. But, arguably, this is veering off topic (my fault for bringing up the VPN).
Are you able to connect to ssh now via your ddns? What about via IP address if the ddns isn't working?
No problemo.
Well, inside the local network, this works: ssh
But from my mobile network? No. Maybe it needs time to send to the worldwide DNS servers that this address is tied to my IP? I've done it 10 minutes ago.
What about connecting to your IP address from your mobile network. Is that working?
yes definitely it works. You don't have to help no more, don't worry I will fix this later, I must be doing something dumb anyway. Thanks for your help.
What ddns service did you use? Did you install and configure the ddns scripts package?
Compare the results of the following:
- from inside your network, do a dns lookup (i.e. nslookup) of your domain name (
) - from outside your network (i.e. a cellular connection with wifi turned off), do the same.
- look at your current IP address as reported on the wan (
ifstatus wan | grep address
I solved it, I followed the device configuration assistant thing in the menus. Then it started to work. Thanks for your help if you come to İstanbul I'll buy you a very nice meal, you aren't a vegan right? I know who makes the best and clean food.
The topic has been solved but I cant stand to not respond to this.
You should not use the router as a personal computer, they are not suitable for that use. The main reasons are primarily
- security: when you run commands on the router, you are running those as the root user. if a piece software that you use, like yt-dlp, or ffmpeg (useb by yt-dlp for audio/video operations) has a vulnerability, your router may be tricked into taken over by bad people, as the commands are running root privileges, and that way they can replace the whole operating system
- performance: lots of routers dont have much cpu performance, let alone ram and storage. Its not uncommon among cheaper routers that you need to use a special build without the web dashboard, because the router cant even fit the web interface into memory. I literally have 2 or 3 such devices here at home, and 2 others that can somehow barely fit into the storage with the web dashboard.
So essentially this is very dangerous.
What about creating another user then? I only use ftp on local network, and lately been using mail client, with a random mail account(don't care if hacked). And that's all I do. Maybe torrents sometimes, I seed some Linux distros via torrents.
Thats better, but I'm not sure how upgrades bear with that.
Speaking of upgrades, you will need to be careful, becaue upgrades often enough delete a lot of things:
Or rather, it doesnt preserve them, and will overwrite the partition where the data was.
I remember that there was a list of files that are preserved, but I can't find it right now.
On the router's web interface, open System > Backup / Flash Firmware > Configurations. If you click the "Open list" button, it should show the list of files it currently knows to keep. For me the passwd and shadow files are part of the list, so the user accounts would be kept, but by default home directory contents and such are not preserved.
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