Dnsmasq multiple forwarder instances ignore option dnsmasq_config and select faster answering server

In my case dhcp_option change nothing. If it absent default would be router or dhcp server IP (same in my case).

All look good for me. I'm checking dnsmasq sending requests to whatever server except No need to narrow filter more in my case (no requests to dnsmasq from outside net). eth0 is my WAN interface.

This is not always the case: IANA root servers can't provide information about OpenNIC domains, you not always want your traffic analysed by specific DNS servers and use VPN. That's why strict order exist in dnsmasq configuration.
In this topic I showed exact discrepancy with documentation but in more complex configuration my experiments include VPN tunnels and custom routes to specific DNS servers. Wide use of VPR VPN Policy-Based Routing + Web UI -- Discussion