Dnscrypt-proxy Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.9.5 "?


20200527 In LuCi, installation of packages: dnscrypt-proxy2 2.0.42-1, dnscrypt-proxy-resolvers and luci-i18n-dnscrypt-proxy-fr.

Is it normal that in the log file of dnscrypt-proxy2 2.0.42-1, figure "dnscrypt-proxy Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.9.5"?

Thu May 21 11:52:49 2020 user.info: dnscrypt-proxy - [fvz-anyone] does not support DNS Security Extensions
Thu May 21 11:52:49 2020 user.info: dnscrypt-proxy + Provider supposedly doesn't keep logs
Thu May 21 11:52:49 2020 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy [2008]: dnscrypt-proxy Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.9.5
Thu May 21 11:52:49 2020 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy [2008]: dnscrypt-proxy Generating a new session key pair
Thu May 21 11:52:50 2020 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy [2008]: dnscrypt-proxy Done
Thu May 21 13:47:51 2020 daemon.err dnscrypt-proxy [2008]: dnscrypt-proxy Unable to retrieve server certificates
Thu May 21 13:47:52 2020 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy [2008]: dnscrypt-proxy Refetching server certificates

Unable to retrieve certificates. However, when the 20200502 was installed, everything worked, even DNSSEC.

config dnsmasq

  • No internet connection:
    #option resolvfile '/tmp/resolv.conf.auto'
    noresolv '1' option.

  • Internet works
    resolvfile option '/tmp/resolv.conf.auto'
    #option noresolv '1'.

What is the problem?

Thank you and good day

For a linuxiens or an openwrtiens, it is obvious. For a Windowsian, this is not the case, at least as far as I am concerned.

Nevertheless, this forum is a gold mine of information, so I took my fishing rod (my mouse) to go get the fish and eureka!

First of all, a special thank you to the speakers for this link, who helped me understand the steps to take: Dnscrypt-proxy does not start

In LuCi, dnscrypt-proxy app, Advanced, Modify the configuration of DNSCrypt-Proxy,

config global
# start dnscrypt-proxy from procd interface trigger rather than immediately in init
# if needed you can restrict trigger to certain interface(s)
# list procd_trigger 'wan'
# list procd_trigger 'wan6'

config dnscrypt-proxy ns1
option address ''
option port '5353'
option resolver 'fvz-anyone'
# more details about the following options can be found in:
# https://github.com/dyne/dnscrypt-proxy/blob/master/dnscrypt-proxy.conf
# option resolvers_list '/usr/share/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-resolvers.csv'

I did not know that I had to uncomment a line and modify another line in /etc/config/dnscrypt-proxy as below:

My global config
config dnscrypt-proxy 'ns1'
option address ''
option port '5353'
option resolvers_list '/usr/share/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-resolvers.csv'
option resolver 'ventricle.us'

I asked for fish but your deafening silence prompted me to "take my fishing rod". Instructive.

Once these settings are complete:

Restart dnsmasq to go to the new configuration: /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart

Restart the router. Sometimes, even when restarting the router, closing and restarting the browser, a message tells you "openwrt.lan does not exist".

The solution, unplug the power cable or cut the power supply to the router with its button then restart it. Everything should work as well as DNSSEC if you have selected the correct resolver.

Regarding the start line dnscrypt-proxy 1.9.5 for dnscrypt-proxy2 2.0.42-1 which intrigued me :

Mon Jun 1 20:27:01 2020 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy [2538]: dnscrypt-proxy Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.9.5

Internet research indicated to me that this was only the stable version of the DNSCrypt client. You will tell me so much!

Now my new mission : I will try to install "Wireguard".

Thank you all for your contributions.

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