Dns resolve to both local hosts and external domain

This started here but as I found out more, the question has morphed...

Here is my Luci port-forwarding page:

  • sprinklers and ted work as I would expect
  • the rest do not
  • Note that the ones that don't work point to the same host.
  • If I try to access sprinklers or ted by either WAN IP:external port or domain:external port from INSIDE or OUTSIDE my network, it works fine
  • If I try to access any of the ports by either WAN IP:external port or domain:external port from INSIDE my network, it works fine
  • If I try to access any of the rest by either WAN IP:external port or domain:external port from OUTSIDE my network, it does not

The aggravating thing to me is that this was working before I changed my IP range from to

I forwarded the sftp port to another sftp server and it works as expected...

I believe that the problem lies with megabyte (a Raspberry Pi).
I am able to sftp to it directly from inside the LAN.
I haven't touched other than to reboot it. How does it know whether traffic is coming from the WAN or LAN? Why does it care?

Why don't you just properly assign DNS?

Found the problem... the /etc/hosts file on the pi contained an artifact from the old 192.168.1.x network point to the pi. I removed the line and it is working.

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