DNS forwarding not working on Archer C7 V4

I've tried to use the DNS forwarding feature on Network > DHCP and DNS > DNS forwardings and added the DNS I wanted (in this case it was Ad Guard DNS) and hit Save and Apply, went to adguard's site to see if I was really using the DNS I've configured and for my surprise I wasn't (the site gives you a feedback if you are using it or not), I've tried updating to the latest snapshot and no dice so I've installed DNSCrypt-Proxy and set adguard's list as the resolver list and it did the job, I'm most intrigued as why the default way didn't work.

The DNS forwarding feature is intended to delegate specific domain suffixes to specific DNS servers.
In order to direct all DNS traffic to another server, uncheck "Use DNS servers advertised by peer" in the WAN interface settings and enter the AdGuard servers instead.

Tried that and still no dice, what could be the problem? It only works with DNSCrypt-Proxy forcing it.

Maybe your ISP is intercepting DNS.

Are you testing from an Android phone? Because those always use Google's DNS.

Would that still be the case when I've installed DNSCrypt-Proxy and set adguard’s list as the resolver list and it did the job?

Tried that and still no dice, what could be the problem? It only works with DNSCrypt-Proxy forcing it.