Dir-882 A1 - First steps failed

Hello Guys,

I'm new with OpenWRT and I've only heard advantage in having this software instead of the original software.

I've already downloaded the images below and none are being recognized by the router to make the switch. Can you help me identify what I'm missing to complete this task?


According to the installation manual, the image below would be correct, but the router indicates that the upgrade done manually failed.


Read the installation section and follow the links to the Recovery GUI instructions. Use the "factory" file there. OpenWrt cannot be installed as a manual upgrade like you have tried to do.

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you need to use the recovery interface
this is the same way you use to go back to the oem firmware
so it's good to know how

if all that fails use the below file in the oem interface
then sysupgrade to the current version I recommend V22.03.0


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Thanks @Lucky1 and @mk24. I installed open-wrt and am impressed with what it does. One of the things I was most looking for was putting a separate vlan for a GUEST ssid.

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