Did I mindlessly brick my device?

Hi guys,
I'm new to openWrt and just successfully flashed my second hand Fritz!Box 7362 SL and installed the newest version.

Everything was working fine, I could access the settings via the browser interface - until I mindlessly browsed to the Switch settings and deleted the preset setting..... and for whatever reason applied it, too! Now I cannot SSH into the device or reach it via the browser.

After reading into it (yes, I should have done that before) it seems that now any input from eth ports are not forwarded. Wifi is not enabled.

Have I successfully bricked the router? Or is there a way to fix this?

Thank you for reading and if you have an idea I'd be glad to hear it.


Hello psherman,

Thank you very much for the link. I could reset my mistake with a soft reset once I got my device into recovery mode. That solved it and I have access again.

Much appreciated!


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