Dest geoip routing thougth vpn


After creating a specific vpn_lan for my vpn_wan access, i would create a routing rules or iptable rule to route specific geografic destination ip from commun LAN to spefific vpn_wan interface.
Client asking for webpage in US - LAN ZONE -> VPN_WAN interface -> internet -> website
Same Client asking for all other webpage - LAN ZONE -> WAN interface -> internet -> website

I'm not sure how to do it. In luci I tried with iptables extra parametre -m geoip --dst-cc US in forwarding rules but it's didn't work .

I loaded the iptables-mod-geoip. I store some pre created ip database in /usr/share/xt_geoip/{BE,LE}/US.iv0

What do you need for help me ?
I can't be able to view iptables logs to debug and don't know how to do it.

Thank you.

finaly i succeed to generate geoipfiles .iv4 and .iv6 with the maxmind lite2 zip and this procedure :link

I try to implement exactly this case : Link
I tested the rule : iptables -A prerouting_lan_rule -t nat -m geoip --dst-cc FR -j LOG --log-prefix "geoip" --log-level 4
but the tail -f /var/log/message returns me lines for every packets even if the packet have US or other country destination.

it seams that the geoip lib in openwrt is not compatible with the old one.

Any idea ?

ok, so i succeed with the new maxmind database to generate geolite2_legacy.csv (see link )
then i move the .csv and the ubuntu xtable-addons xt_geoip_build on my router in /usr/share/xt_geoip, and execute

xt_geoip_build -D . geolite2_legacy.csv

which generate right BE LE and .iv{0,4,6} folder and files

The ubuntu xt_geoip_build script:

#	Converter for MaxMind (GeoLite2) CSV database to binary, for xt_geoip
#	Copyright Jan Engelhardt, 2008-2011
#	Copyright Philip Prindeville, 2018
use Getopt::Long;
use Net::CIDR::Lite;
use Socket qw(AF_INET AF_INET6 inet_pton);
use warnings;
use Text::CSV_XS; # or trade for Text::CSV
use strict;

my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({
	allow_whitespace => 1,
	binary => 1,
	eol => $/,
}); # or Text::CSV
my $source_dir = ".";
my $target_dir = ".";

	"D=s" => \$target_dir,
	"S=s" => \$source_dir,

if (!-d $source_dir) {
	print STDERR "Source directory \"$source_dir\" does not exist.\n";
	exit 1;
if (!-d $target_dir) {
	print STDERR "Target directory \"$target_dir\" does not exist.\n";
	exit 1;

my %countryId;
my %countryName;

sub loadCountries
	sub id; sub cc; sub long; sub ct; sub cn;

	%countryId = ();
	%countryName = ();

	my $file = "$source_dir/GeoLite2-Country-Locations-en.csv";
	open(my $fh, '<', $file) || die "Couldn't open list country names\n";

	# first line is headers
	my $row = $csv->getline($fh);

	my %header = map { ($row->[$_], $_); } (0..$#{$row});

	my %pairs = (
		country_iso_code => 'ISO Country Code',
		geoname_id => 'ID',
		country_name => 'Country Name',
		continent_code => 'Continent Code',
		continent_name => 'Continent Name',

	# verify that the columns we need are present
	map { die "Table has no $pairs{$_} column\n" unless (exists $header{$_}); } keys %pairs;

	my %remapping = (
		id => 'geoname_id',
		cc => 'country_iso_code',
		long => 'country_name',
		ct => 'continent_code',
		cn => 'continent_name',

	# now create a function which returns the value of that column #
	map { eval "sub $_ () { \$header{\$remapping{$_}}; }" ; } keys %remapping;

	while (my $row = $csv->getline($fh)) {
		if ($row->[cc] eq '' && $row->[long] eq '') {
			$countryId{$row->[id]} = $row->[ct];
			$countryName{$row->[ct]} = $row->[cn];
		} else {
			$countryId{$row->[id]} = $row->[cc];
			$countryName{$row->[cc]} = $row->[long];

	$countryName{A1} = 'Anonymous Proxy';
	$countryName{A2} = 'Satellite Provider';
	$countryName{O1} = 'Other Country';


	# clean up the namespace
	undef &id; undef &cc; undef &long; undef &ct; undef &cn;

sub lookupCountry
	my ($id, $rid, $proxy, $sat) = @_;

	if ($proxy) {
		return 'A1';
	} elsif ($sat) {
		return 'A2';
	$id ||= $rid;
	if ($id eq '') {
		return 'O1';
	die "Unknown id: $id line $.\n" unless (exists $countryId{$id});
	return $countryId{$id};

sub collect
	my ($file, $fh, $row);
	my (%country, %header);

	sub net; sub id; sub rid; sub proxy; sub sat;

	my %pairs = (
		network => 'Network',
		registered_country_geoname_id => 'Registered Country ID',
		geoname_id => 'Country ID',
		is_anonymous_proxy => 'Anonymous Proxy',
		is_satellite_provider => 'Satellite',

	foreach (sort keys %countryName) {
		$country{$_} = {
			name => $countryName{$_},
			pool_v4 => Net::CIDR::Lite->new(),
			pool_v6 => Net::CIDR::Lite->new(),

	$file = "$source_dir/GeoLite2-Country-Blocks-IPv4.csv";
	open($fh, '<', $file) || die "Can't open IPv4 database\n";

	# first line is headers
	$row = $csv->getline($fh);

	%header = map { ($row->[$_], $_); } (0..$#{$row});

	# verify that the columns we need are present
	map { die "Table has no %pairs{$_} column\n" unless (exists $header{$_}); } keys %pairs;

	my %remapping = (
		net => 'network',
		id => 'geoname_id',
		rid => 'registered_country_geoname_id',
		proxy => 'is_anonymous_proxy',
		sat => 'is_satellite_provider',

	# now create a function which returns the value of that column #
	map { eval "sub $_ () { \$header{\$remapping{$_}}; }" ; } keys %remapping;

	while ($row = $csv->getline($fh)) {
		my ($cc, $cidr);

		$cc = lookupCountry($row->[id], $row->[rid], $row->[proxy], $row->[sat]);
		$cidr = $row->[net];

		if ($. % 4096 == 0) {
			print STDERR "\r\e[2K$. entries";

	print STDERR "\r\e[2K$. entries total\n";


	# clean up the namespace
	undef &net; undef &id; undef &rid; undef &proxy; undef &sat;

	$file = "$source_dir/GeoLite2-Country-Blocks-IPv6.csv";
	open($fh, '<', $file) || die "Can't open IPv6 database\n";

	# first line is headers
	$row = $csv->getline($fh);

	%header = map { ($row->[$_], $_); } (0..$#{$row});

	# verify that the columns we need are present
	map { die "Table has no %pairs{$_} column\n" unless (exists $header{$_}); } keys %pairs;

	# unlikely the IPv6 table has different columns, but just to be sure
	# create a function which returns the value of that column #
	map { eval "sub $_ () { \$header{\$remapping{$_}}; }" ; } keys %remapping;

	while ($row = $csv->getline($fh)) {
		my ($cc, $cidr);

		$cc = lookupCountry($row->[id], $row->[rid], $row->[proxy], $row->[sat]);
		$cidr = $row->[net];

		if ($. % 4096 == 0) {
			print STDERR "\r\e[2K$. entries";

	print STDERR "\r\e[2K$. entries total\n";


	# clean up the namespace
	undef &net; undef &id; undef &rid; undef &proxy; undef &sat;

	return \%country;

sub dump
	my $country = shift @_;

	foreach my $iso_code (sort keys %{$country}) {
		&dump_one($iso_code, $country->{$iso_code});

sub dump_one
	my($iso_code, $country) = @_;
	my @ranges;

	@ranges = $country->{pool_v4}->list_range();

	writeCountry($iso_code, $country->{name}, AF_INET, @ranges);

	@ranges = $country->{pool_v6}->list_range();

	writeCountry($iso_code, $country->{name}, AF_INET6, @ranges);

sub writeCountry
	my ($iso_code, $name, $family, @ranges) = @_;
	my $fh;

	printf "%5u IPv%s ranges for %s %s\n",
		($family == AF_INET ? '4' : '6'),
		$iso_code, $name;

	my $file = "$target_dir/".uc($iso_code).".iv".($family == AF_INET ? '4' : '6');
	if (!open($fh, '>', $file)) {
		print STDERR "Error opening $file: $!\n";
		exit 1;


	foreach my $range (@ranges) {
		my ($start, $end) = split('-', $range);
		$start = inet_pton($family, $start);
		$end = inet_pton($family, $end);
		print $fh $start, $end;
	close $fh;

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