Delay WAN/internet access on boot?

Hi. I need to delay the internet access for 1 minute after a reboot, since I have a few addons/plugins that take about 50 seconds to fully load and I don't want to have access to the internet without those addons loaded first.
Is this possible?

Thanks in advance.

don't bring the wan interface up on boot

Thanks. However I've tried it and it seems that the addons throw error and dont load at all without internet so I will try to see if there's another approach.
Thanks again.

It seems that you have a catch 22 here, so what packages are we talking about?

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Right now I'm trying adblock. There's a timeframe after reboot (usually about 50 seconds) that I can access any site.

EDIT: I guess this happens because it needs to download the lists from somewhere.

kill the upstream DNS IPs until you manually add them.

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Yea, what was your plan to load the blocklist from internet without internet?

There is a possibility to download them physically, but that tactic is a flash memory killer so use with care.

But AdBlock isn’t a webbpage blocker anyway. It only blocks add-on ads on webpages so there is no great security function to wait for it.

If you actually want to block webpages then BanIP is probably a better choice.

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