Default user and password

Olá, ao mudar o tema do OpenWrt no roteador siroco evo-w301ar, o dispositivo não inicia corretamente mais.

Não consigo mais acesso pela interface web.

Consigo acesso SSH, mas falta o usuário e senha de acesso.

Consigo pingar para o dispositivo mas a interface web mostra a mensagem seguinte:

"/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:284: No valid theme found
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:284: in function 'dispatch'
/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:195: in function </usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:194>"

Obrigado pela presteza!

Hello, when changing the theme of OpenWrt on the siroco evo-w301ar router, the device does not start correctly anymore.

I can no longer access the web interface.

I get SSH access, but the user and password are missing.

I can ping the device but the web interface shows the following message:

"/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:284: No valid theme found
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:284: in function 'dispatch'
/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:195: in function </usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:194>"

Thank you!


Please post in English or include English translation.

What do you mean? Can you access the device via ssh or not?

1 Like

En usko, että tuo reititin on OpenWrt:n normaalisti tukema. Todennäköisesti sinulla on käytössä jokin paikallinen viritelmä, jonka yhteensopivuus OpenWrt:n pakettien, teemojen. jne. kanssa on kyseenalainen.

"Teemalla" ei ole kyllä mitään tekemistä oletuskäyttäjän ja oletussalanan kanssa (root / tyhjä)...


Olá, o putty abre o terminal e solicita usuário e senha. Já tentei vários usuários e senhas padrão, mas nenhum permite acesso ao via ssh.


Hello, putty opens the terminal and asks for a username and password. I have tried several default users and passwords, but none allow access to ssh.

Thank you!

Default username is root and blank password, but that's for "vanilla' OpenWrt. If your device has an OEM-modified version of OpenWrt then you will have to check their documents.


Olá, mhegab.
Obrigado pelo aporte.

Na verdade eu não tenho documentação alguma. Simplesmente eu subi o firmware OpenWrt para o meu roteador, pois não estava gostando do firmware original dele e queria ter mais recursos de controle.

Num "belo dia" resolvi explorar o roteador e testar algumas configurações. Uma das opções que alterei, foi escolher um outro tema. Foi nesse momento que, ao reiniciar o roteador, perdi acesso à interface web.

O roteador está funcionando o dhcp, pois ele atribui ip aos dispositivos conectados nele via cabo utp. O wi-fi não funciona.

A faixa de ips que o roteador está é e atribui o ip ao meu computador.
Consigo pingar para o roteador:

Microsoft Windows [versão 10.0.19042.508]
(c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. Todos os direitos reservados.

F:\Users\LHCZ Serviços>ping

Disparando com 32 bytes de dados:
Resposta de bytes=32 tempo<1ms TTL=64
Resposta de bytes=32 tempo<1ms TTL=64
Resposta de bytes=32 tempo<1ms TTL=64
Resposta de bytes=32 tempo<1ms TTL=64

Estatísticas do Ping para
    Pacotes: Enviados = 4, Recebidos = 4, Perdidos = 0 (0% de
Aproximar um número redondo de vezes em milissegundos:
    Mínimo = 0ms, Máximo = 0ms, Média = 0ms

Consigo, através do putty, por ssh, fazer com que o terminal abra e solicite usuário e senha. Só que nenhum dos usuários e senha que digito é aceito pelo roteador. Nem o usuário e senha padrão do OpenWrt.

As únicas luzes que ficam acessas no roteador são: luz pawer, luz sys e lan.

Obrigado pela presteza.

Hello, mhegab.
Thanks for the contribution.

I actually don't have any documentation. I simply uploaded the OpenWrt firmware to my router, as I was not liking the original firmware and I wanted more control features.

On a "beautiful day" I decided to explore the router and test some settings. One of the options I changed was to choose another theme. It was at that moment that, when restarting the router, I lost access to the web interface.

The router is running dhcp, as it assigns ip to devices connected to it via utp cable. The wi-fi does not work.

The range of ips that the router is in is and assigns the ip to my computer.
I can ping the router:

Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.19042.508]
(c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

F: \ Users \ LHCZ Services> ping

Firing with 32 bytes of data:
Response from bytes = 32 time <1ms TTL = 64
Response from bytes = 32 time <1ms TTL = 64
Response from bytes = 32 time <1ms TTL = 64
Response from bytes = 32 time <1ms TTL = 64

Ping statistics for
    Packages: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% of
Approximate a round number of times in milliseconds:
    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

Through the putty, through ssh, I can make the terminal open and ask for a user and password. Only none of the users and passwords I enter are accepted by the router. Neither the default OpenWrt username and password.

The only lights that are lit on the router are: pawer light, sys light and lan light.

Thanks for the promptness.

Which image did you flash? Where did you get it from, and how did you flash it?

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Olá, mhegab
mais uma vez, obrigado pelo aporte.

A imagem foi baixada desse link:

O link direto é este abaixo:

Hi, mhegab
again, thanks for the contribution.

The image was downloaded from this link:

The direct link is this below:

I still don't understand how you flashed the router using OpenWrt. How did you know this image is suitable for your device? I can't find much about your device and I don't know if the image you selected is compatible.

You say you updated the theme. So after flashing OpenWrt the router was all working fine until you changed the theme? And what happened when you did? You lost the web interface immediately or after reboot.

In all cases, I understand that if something goes wrong with the theme you could in theory lose the Web interface, but I don't see how it could affect the password.

You are saying it's working now. Do you have internet access through it? Are IPs still the same? Or is it possible that it's actually another device on the network that's working as DHCP server now? When you try to access via SSH, do you see the same host name?

I still think the way to go is to refer to whoever wrote the instructions of flashing your device with OpenWrt, because they might know about the hardware.

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According to the Siroco is a rebranded TP-Link TL-WR741ND v1.

With 4 mb flash, I'd say the OPs router ran out of flash space when he added the new theme.

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Please note that the 18.06.1 is ancient. You should probably try the newest release from the 18.06 branch, 18.06.8 released earlier this year. (There is also 18.06.9 that will likely be released in the next few days, but it is not yet officially released)

If you have lost password access, you should reset the router. That would remove your changes & settings, and you should be able to restart from clean slate. OpenWrt wiki offers advice for reset, either via reset button or via "failsafe mode".


There are tiny 19.07 4mb images available for the wr741 v1 at


Olá, mhegab
Hi, mhegab

Sim, eu perdi o acesso à interface web depois de o roteador ser reiniciado.

Yes, I lost access to the web interface after the router was restarted.

Eu já havia desistido de recuperar esse roteador. Mas, um dia eu estava sem fazer nada e, pra tirar o estresse, resolvi tentar mais alguns procedimentos.

Ao ligá-lo novamente, percebi, usando o wireshark, que ele estava fornecendo a faixa de ip “” e procurava pelo ip “”, o qual o roteador atribuía para o meu pc.

Nesse momento, feliz por ter conseguido descobrir que o roteador ainda “respirava”, tentei o acesso via interface web, mas ele retornou a mensagem:

I had already given up on recovering this router. But, one day I was doing nothing and, to take the stress, I decided to try some more procedures.

When turning it on again, I realized, using wireshark, that he was supplying the ip range “” and looking for the ip “”, which the router assigned to my pc.

At that moment, happy to have managed to discover that the router was still “breathing”, I tried to access it via the web interface, but he returned the message:

"/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:284: No valid theme found
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:284: in function 'dispatch'
/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:195: in function </usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:194>"

Daí resolvi fazer os procedimentos de resetar o roteador.

No primeiro procedimento, depois de reiniciar, o roteador mudou a faixa de ips para “” e atribui o ip “” ao meu pc. Sei disso, pois ligo somente o roteador no pc e é esse o ip que ele recebe do roteador. Já verifiquei isso com o wiresark e com um scanner de rede.

So I decided to do the procedures to reset the router.

In the first procedure, after restarting, the router changed the ips range to “” and assigns the ip “” to my pc. I know this, because I only connect the router to the pc and this is the ip that he receives from the router. I have already verified this with wiresark and a network scanner.

Depois do procedimento de “hard resete”, resolvi tentar acesso ao roteador por SSH e o roteador chega a solicitar “login” e “senha”. Tentei todos os usuários e senhas que consigo lembrar e todas as sugestões encontradas nos sites.

Já tentei enviar o firmware por TFTP, mas não funciona. Me parece que o Tftpd64 até consegue conversar com o roteador, mas não consegue enviar o firmware. Fica somente nesta tela e não sai:

After the “hard reset” procedure, I decided to try to access the router via SSH and the router even requests “login” and “password”. I tried all the users and passwords I can remember and all the suggestions found on the websites.

I've tried to send the firmware via TFTP, but it doesn't work. It seems to me that Tftpd64 can even talk to the router, but cannot send the firmware. It is only on this screen and does not come out:

Neste momento estou tentando subir o firmware original da tp-link para o WR741N v1.
Como podemos ver, o Tftpd64 fica nessa tela “block #0”.

Obrigado a todos pela presteza.
Thank you all for your promptness.

  • You need to upgrade. That was a known issue.
  • Or simply don't install a theme.


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Olá, frollic
Hi, frollic

Eu já havia visitado este site. Foi por ele que descobri a verdadeira identidade do meu roteador.

I had already visited this site. It was through him that I discovered the true identity of my router.

Tens alguma ideia de como resolver isso?

Do you have any idea how to solve this?

Obrigado pelo aporte!

Thanks for the contribution!

Olá, hnyman
Hi, hnyman

Já tentei várias dicas e formas pra resolver isso. Até agora, sem sucesso.

I've tried several tips and ways to solve this. So far, to no avail.

Obrigado pelo aporte!
Thanks for the contribution!

Não tenho certeza se você viu as respostas em inglês. Você recebeu soluções.

I'm not sure you have seen the English responses. You were provided solutions.

As already suggested, did you try to make a factory reset of the unit.


Olá, frollic
Hi, frollic

"As already suggested, did you try to make a factory reset of the unit."

Sim, já o fiz. Inclusive foi por isso que ele saiu da faixa para

Yes, I already did. That's why he moved from to

Na imagem tem parte das capturas que faço com o Wireshark.

In the image there is part of the captures I make with Wireshark.

As linhas amarelas com setas vermelhas e pacotes ARP, são do roteador conversando com o computador.

The yellow lines with red arrows and ARP packets are from the router talking to the computer.

O roteador ainda está vivo e fornecendo ip aos dispositivos conectados nele por cabo. Só não consigo acessá-lo para recuperar ou regravar a firmware.

The router is still alive and providing ip to devices connected to it by cable. I just can't access it to recover or rewrite the firmware.

Obrigado pela presteza.

Thanks for the promptness.

OpenWRTs default LAN sub net isn't 192.168.3, it's 192.168.1.

Where does the 192.168.3 come from ?
If it was providing 192.168.3 in the past, when working, and still does, the reset haven't worked.

If we however assume the reset worked, then the root password should have been cleared,
and you should be able to logon using Putty.