Dawn: a decentralized wireless controller

Hi, I'm sorry but would love some help please to identify a specific issue I'm having...

I acquired a new router (a Xiaomi AX3600) which is running Robi Marko's master build.
Things are almost fully setup / working well - a couple of things to figure out still.

One is related to DAWN and 2 IOT devices that are acting strange.

My WLAN is setup with this config:

config wifi-iface 'default_radio2'
        option device 'radio2'
        option network 'lan'
        option mode 'ap'
        option dtim_period '1'
        option max_inactivity '15'
        option encryption 'psk2+ccmp'
        option key 'REMOVED-KEY'
        option ieee80211r '1'
        option mobility_domain '1111'
        option reassociation_deadline '20000'
        option ft_over_ds '0'
        option ft_psk_generate_local '1'
        option pmk_r1_push '1'
        option ieee80211k '1'
        option bss_transition '1'
        option he_su_beamformer '1'
        option he_su_beamformee '1'
        option he_mu_beamformer '1'
        option he_bss_color '8'
        option ssid 'MYSSID'

DAWN is running with default configuration. Except for "kicking" which I flip as part of this test.

If DAWN is running with Kicking = 1, my 2 IOT devices are unable to connect. I get this error:

Sat Jan 15 23:48:23 2022 daemon.info hostapd: wlan2: STA 34:ea:34:XX:XX:XX IEEE 802.11: deauthenticated due to local deauth request

If I turn Kicking = 0, the devices don't connect still, but I don't (think) I see messages. I hope I'm not wrong about the messages, but the devices definitely don't connect.

If I stop the DAWN process, the 2 devices connect immediately.

Here's where it also gets interesting, with the devices now connected (as DAWN wasn't running):

  • If I start DAWN with Kicking = 0, both of the devices stay connected.
  • If I start DAWN with Kicking = 1, both of the devices are immediately kicked.

To be specific about the 2 devices, they are Broadlink A1 environment sensors. They are 2.4Ghz 802.11b/g/n. They aren't sold any longer, and this is the only link with any sort of specs I could find: https://www.amazon.ca/BroadLink-A1-wireless-Environment-Detector/dp/B06VXNY27G

Any guidance or help would be really appreciated.. Would love to understand why it is being decided that they should not be allowed to connect (and kicked if =1) so I can stop the behaviour.