Davidc502- wrt1200ac wrt1900acx wrt3200acm wrt32x builds

Unfortunately, we've had a dear friend who caught coronavirus. She's in her 50s and it took her down hard, she looked terrible. Treatment at the hospital was tough because the resources are at their limits. Fortunately she is recovering from it now and much better than she was a couple of weeks ago. But I've got to tell you, it makes the strange world we're living in now a lot scarier when someone you are close to has gotten sick with COVID-19.


Count me in David, been trying for ages to compile kernel 5.4 without luck of it booting after.

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Unfortunately my first attempt at 5.4 was not good. I'm going to make a change and try again tomorrow.

Will update.

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Just compiling myself started the build.sh around 02:16am so should be finishing soon enough. Will let you know how i go.

Edit: Well recompiled and flashed the firmware, Wireless issue is still there causing the reboot loop on the WRT32X.

I take it this is the issue you was having @davidc502 as well.

I´m currently using DD-WRT. Has anyone actually flashed OpenWRT straight from DD-WRT GUI? If so, did it work? I would like to change between DD-WRT and OpenWRT and test which works better for me. I think I can manage to return stock firmware partition to flash this Davidc502 build, but it would be nice, if I wouldn´t need to overwrite current DD-WRT partition.

Flashing from DD-WRT to OpenWRT directly is not advised, its always best when changing from one firmware to another to always go back to stock first without saving your config.

Dear David,

I've just installed lastest build
Kernel version = 4.19.108
WiFi driver =
Build = r12833
on my 3200acm

However, I found the Transmission is not working any more (i kept the settings transfered) ,even after a fresh installation.
"service transmission status" indicates it was running, but "netstat -lntp" shows none of the transmission process presenting.
just wonder is there anyone else having the same sort of problem.


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In this case I think I made a mistake with the wifi commit which didn't include the pull request for 5_3. At least I'm hoping that is it because wifi flat out would not start. It showed as disabled though it was enabled.

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Hi Dear Dave
Please any iptables idea to enable DF bit clear in all openwrt all interfaces?
Thank you.

Are you talking about IP fragmentation for iptables? Please explain further.



There is a problem with Transmission with several builds backwards. My System log:

Wed Apr 15 18:43:51 2020 user.notice transmission: Starting with 255474000 virt mem
Wed Apr 15 18:44:16 2020 daemon.info procd: Instance transmission::instance1 s in a crash loop 6 crashes, 0 seconds since last crash

Can anyone help?


Problem is somewhere in /etc/init.d/transmission.
Here is quick hack (it works for me):

root@linksys0:~# vim /etc/init.d/transmission-v2 
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common



start_service() {
	procd_set_param user transmission
	procd_set_param group transmission
	procd_set_param command "$PROG" --log-error -g "$CONFIGDIR"

stop_service() {
	kill $(ps -ef | grep "/usr/bin/transmission-daemon" | grep -v grep | awk {' print $2 '})
root@linksys0:~# /etc/init.d/transmission disable
root@linksys0:~# /etc/init.d/transmission stop
root@linksys0:~# /etc/init.d/transmission-v2 enable
root@linksys0:~# /etc/init.d/transmission-v2 start

Change line CONFIGDIR=/data/transmission/config in /etc/init.d/transmission-v2 with your location.

Good luck!


Yes DF clear (Do not Defrag clear) IP fragment may be it is

Are you looking for a "Checkbox" option for DF for all interfaces in LuCi Gui?

Okay I explain more
This rules:

iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -j DF --clear
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -j DF --clear

Cannot worked with current iptables version legacy

It given command --clear not found

I compiled 5.4 again and now is boot looping, and I think it is because of wireless.

Unfortunately, I have nothing to share at this point :frowning:

Try installing "iptables-mod-conntrack-extra" for connection tracking. See if it works then.

If that doesn't work, take a look at all of the iptables extensions that are available.

Yes it will be because of Wireless i have the same issue but @anomeome is working on it and i am testing it. If you watch the LED the 5GHZ wireless comes up fine but the straight after the 2.4Ghz Wireless comes up it reboots and will loop like hell.

I am rebuilding the VM i use for compiling right now and will recompile again with @anomeome suggestions.

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It should be quite easy to compile a test image without any wireless modules installed, just to pin-point the issue to mwlwifi.

Additionally there also seems to be

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That was pushed, but something around this seems to cause as issue in some cases. The only difference I have been able to discern at this point is the reboot seems to happen when the works is being built, as in a community build, but no issue otherwise. Although I think this was tested by some during the 5.4 PR walkabout.