Is anyone still having problems with port forwarding? I cannot for the life of me get it to work. Internal network it shows its open but it's not accessible from outside my network.
anyone get a key error trying to connect with putty with this new build? wrt32x
Just tested on a WRT1900ACS v1 and Putty is working
Been thinking about tossing together a Raspberry Pi 4 / Pi-hole box for fun, anyone ever compare the ad-blocking in OpenWrt to that? Performance-wise etc just curious. Thanks.
There is a patch that removes weak cypher's from Dropbear. What client or method is being used to connect via ssh?
I'm connecting from my Linux workstation just fine.
No issues here I connect via Linux terminal, putty and Terminus without issue.
Wondering how you got your Statistics graph working though without having a setup loop.
One thing I did notice was Memory use is quite high.
Yet looking in processes shows very minimal use of the ram.
Thank you Dave
Software offload gave super performance cashing
Pihole works quite well for me. I'd like to keep the routers cpu and memory totally devoted to routing, filtering, and queuing packets.
I also have the Piholes set up with Unbound querying the rootservers.
I have 2x Piholes for redundancy - one 3B+ and one 4B. The 4B seems to take in most of the requests (~80-90%), probably because its ethernet wiring isn't over USB and reduces latency.
I use the blocklist and I don't have to whitelist things now that it's matured.
In the future, Pihole 5.0 will also offer you the ability to turn off adblocking for certain devices and also CNAME lookups to block CNAME cloaking which I don't think OpenWrt's version of Adblock covers in its current form.
I do not notice additional latency in my queries. Using netted me 12ms; while using Pihole is nettting me 9ms (in nslookup or dig queries).
Thanks that is very helpful. For everyone else please excuse the digression, but I've been considering what @ParanoidZoid did and get unnecessary tasks off my WRT32X and this is one of them. I had been holding off on the 3B+ the thought of connecting a non-gigabit interface to my router, especially one that operated on USB wasn't appealing, but the new 4B is.
@davidc502 thanks for adding software offloading definitely see CPU utilization improvement.
I guess my version of putty was out of date. Updated it and it works now
Yeah, this completely sucks.. I haven't been able to get mine working either. However, we've had several check in claiming everything is A-OK. So, I have to chalk this up to user error on my part in some way.
Any news about the issue of port forwarding?
Thanks for the time and effort you put in the build @davidc502
For port forwarding, what about "Linuxmarvel Tim Harrisons" post on Feb 11 which suggested a luci bug generating the rules and a manual edit required to change the keyword "list" to "option" for src and dest.
I looked into it and was a dead-end for me and one other.
Same as @davidc502 , I checked mine as well and it was a dead-end.
I've tried fully resetting firmware to default and nothing is working. I know enough to get by but not enough to figure this thing out....
Support for kernel 5.4 is in the works so we'll see further improvements, including mvneta and DSA.
I did some offloading testing on Shelby v2 and results are quite positive. While dl 5GB iso image on full speed of my connection (200 Mb/s) processor usage is significantly lower with offloading on.
Processor usage:
Connection speed:
Although yesterday with offloading on, I saw some odd short spikes in usage and at the same time my connection speed was dropping to 0. I cannot reproduce it now and I can't rule out that my ISP had temp issues and queued packets were chocking processor then. I'll be observing system and processor loads for next few days and report back if I can reproduce any unusual symptoms.
Since last build..transmission stopped working. No changes on my configuration files.
It starts..but, then, stops after few seconds.
Tue Mar 3 11:46:04 2020 user.notice transmission: Starting with 255464000 virt mem
Tue Mar 3 11:46:29 2020 procd: Instance transmission::instance1 s in a crash loop 6 crashes, 0 seconds since last crash
Hi @davidc502, quick request (and request for comments from other thread dwellers):
I get frustrated at the lack of command history between logins with busybox on openwrt. Would you consider changing the compile flags for busybox as per this post to retain command history for your builds?