D-Link DIR-X3000Z OpenWrt Firmware

I want this router to work as access point, so I have to change its firmware to OpenWrt first.

So is there any OpenWrt firmware compatible with D-Link DIR-X3000Z?

currently, there isn't.

instead of creating new "is it supported?" threads, try https://firmware-selector.openwrt.org/?version=SNAPSHOT, and enter the device name.
if you get a hit, it's supported.

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It may help if you post a photo of the other side of the PCB.

look like fcc.id/T58NX30R .Mediatek MT7916 radio but CPU is something else with integrated 1Gb network switch. I would not hold my breath

Not all devices are listed in the firmware selector. There are devices that are verified for OpenWrt compatibility through hardware components.

indeed but the amount of rebranded devices is small, compared to the amount of supported devices.

there's also google.

I know there is Google!

But if I do not find an answer on Google and I do not have enough experience to know what hardware parts are compatible with OpenWrt, then I must ask the experts in the OpenWrt community!

I hope it's the right PCB

I mentioned PCB photos as your request..
So I am waiting for your reply please..

you'll need to remove the heat sink, or attach serial - the four holes next to the two capacitors in the lower right corner.

feel free to remove one of your two identical PCB posts.

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The DIR-X3000Z is identical to the DIR-X3060Z, the latter has some telco branding.

Both routers have a ZXIC ZX279128R SoC.

The PCB may be the same:



if this is correct, then it's a no go, SoC isn't supported by Linux.

Some online resource that I read mentioned that this particular SoC shares its SDK with the BCM53xx.

Take that as what you will.

SDK <> mainline Linux though.
It got to be supported somewhere, or they wouldn't have been able to build an image.


Yep, that's a no-go.