Crowdsec packages for OpenWrt

What happen, when network is ok, if you do :

cscli hub update && cscli collections install crowdsecurity/linux && cscli parsers install crowdsecurity/whitelists && cscli hub upgrade

And then service crowdsec restart

of course that will work... the issue i'm bringing to your attention is when your packages are included within peoples images, which is a typical operation for most packages...

it's only feedback... not questions/direct suggestions... code has a wonderful way of making whats important self evident (clear) over time... so feel free to ignore my observations...

how/if/when/whether to address these 'possible' issues are purely up to you...

Oups, apologize...
Thanks for your (needed and appreciate) feedbacks !

I am just trying to understand well to make a patch...
No problem from your observations...

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I don't now if there is any way, without coding, that can check the "online" internet mode ?
Like the hotplug way of the @vgaetera scripts...
It may be simple to check like this way, and let the initscript do the missing firstboot commands...
Or add a test in the default script and postpone the commands...

Same for service init, there is no standard/default way to check online status before do the job or postpone it, AFAIK ?
This is may be a good tweak to add.

update : look like there is no other way than hotplug.
mwan3 already do something like this :
I prefer the script
It will be great to have them in "default" package for OpenWrt and use them as a dependency...

This looks like a wise move to me... ( a few logger messages if someone upgrades without including /srv/crowdsec or similar seem important also - if needed... I did not test for this yet )

( p.s. take your time... you did a good job on this... considering most users will be advanced users anyway... I think pushing it into the repo's in it's current state was a good move... get some exposure, learn how people use it... and tweak based on practical needs, now it's more available... you'll likely get more help over time too! )

edit: looks like crowdsec-firewall-bouncer may have some issues also...

######################## [root@dca632 /usbstick 54°]# cat /var/log/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.log 
time="17-10-2021 13:27:54" level=info msg="backend type : nftables"
time="17-10-2021 13:27:54" level=info msg="nftables initiated"
time="17-10-2021 13:27:54" level=info msg="Processing new and deleted decisions . . ."
time="17-10-2021 13:27:54" level=fatal msg="API error: access forbidden"

####################### [root@dca632 /usbstick 54°]# cat /var/log/crowdsec_api.log 
time="17-10-2021 13:27:19" level=info msg=" - [Sun, 17 Oct 2021 13:27:19 AEDT] \"POST /v1/watchers/login HTTP/1.1 200 441.129836ms \"crowdsec/v1.2.0-openwrt-openwrt\" \""
time="17-10-2021 13:27:20" level=info msg=" - [Sun, 17 Oct 2021 13:27:20 AEDT] \"POST /v1/watchers/login HTTP/1.1 200 408.192168ms \"crowdsec/v1.2.0-openwrt-openwrt\" \""
time="17-10-2021 13:27:54" level=info msg=" - [Sun, 17 Oct 2021 13:27:54 AEDT] \"GET /v1/decisions/stream?startup=true HTTP/1.1 403 1.60242ms \"crowdsec-firewall-bouncer/v0.0.15-openwrt\" \""

and then fresh install, and manually re-install packages...

main package is ok until install the bouncer... which is now 401 and kills main package

[ /usbstick 55°]# cat /var/log/crowdsec_api.log 
time="17-10-2021 14:35:28" level=info msg=" - [Sun, 17 Oct 2021 14:35:28 AEDT] \"POST /v1/watchers/login HTTP/1.1 401 1.749092ms \"crowdsec/v1.2.0-openwrt-openwrt\" \""
1 Like

You can use procd interface triggers inside init scripts:
But it can be tricky and may need some delay to mitigate tunneling protocols.


How is this supposed to be bootstrapped? I cannot get it to run:

❯ crowdsec
WARN[0000] can't load CAPI credentials from '/etc/crowdsec/online_api_credentials.yaml' (missing field)
INFO[0000] push and pull to Central API disabled
time="16-10-2021 17:55:26" level=fatal msg="starting outputs error : authenticate watcher (): Post \"\": API error: ent: machine not found"

I've changed the port to 8081 since 8080 is used by docker.

I've also tried:

cscli hub update && cscli collections install crowdsecurity/linux && cscli parsers install crowdsecurity/whitelists && cscli hub upgrade

But still I cannot start the service. This is on a just built master x86_64, with data on external storage, a btrfs sub-volume.

What else do I need to run it?

Can you please, post the content of /etc/crowdsec/online_api_credentials.yaml
The file look to miss a content !?
Can you do a ls on /etc/crowdsec also please ?

You may try cscli -c /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml capi register -f /etc/crowdsec/online_api_credentials.yaml it will reset the register in central API.
Then restart the service with service crowdsec restart and also check the log, if needed, in /var/log/crowdsec...

Stange that the API was not registered at install, may be because of the already used port !
Will check this.
Thanks for the feedback !

Do you have Crowdsec working fine ?
Crowdsec-firewall-bouncer needs crowdsec.
Can you share your /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml
And /etc/crowdsec/local_api_credentials.yaml
And /etc/crowdsec/bouncers/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.yaml

Thanks in advance

yes... (but installing/starting the bouncer kills it)

[ /usbstick 54°]# cat /etc/crowdsec/local_api_credentials.yaml
login: d4a17ef423SNIP
password: zDYcdygIqSNIP
[ /usbstick 55°]# cat /etc/crowdsec/bouncers/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.yaml 
mode: ${BACKEND}
pid_dir: /var/run/
update_frequency: 10s
daemonize: true
log_mode: file
log_dir: /var/log/
log_level: info
api_url: http://localhost:8080/
api_key: ${API_KEY}
disable_ipv6: false
deny_action: DROP
deny_log: false
#to change log prefix
#deny_log_prefix: "crowdsec: "
#if present, insert rule in those chains
[ /usbstick 55°]# cat /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml
  daemonize: true
  pid_dir: /var/run/
  log_media: file
  log_level: info
  log_dir: /var/log/
  working_dir: .
  config_dir: /etc/crowdsec/
  data_dir: /srv/crowdsec/data
  simulation_path: /etc/crowdsec/simulation.yaml
  hub_dir: /etc/crowdsec/hub/
  index_path: /etc/crowdsec/hub/.index.json
  notification_dir: /etc/crowdsec/notifications/
  plugin_dir: /usr/local/lib/crowdsec/plugins/
  acquisition_path: /etc/crowdsec/acquis.yaml
  parser_routines: 1
  output: human
  log_level: info
  type: sqlite
  db_path: /srv/crowdsec/data/crowdsec.db
    max_items: 5000
    max_age: 7d
  user: nobody # plugin process would be ran on behalf of this user
  group: nogroup # plugin process would be ran on behalf of this group
    insecure_skip_verify: false
    credentials_path: /etc/crowdsec/local_api_credentials.yaml
    log_level: info
    profiles_path: /etc/crowdsec/profiles.yaml
    online_client: # Central API credentials (to push signals and receive bad IPs)
      credentials_path: /etc/crowdsec/online_api_credentials.yaml
#    tls:
#      cert_file: /etc/crowdsec/ssl/cert.pem
#      key_file: /etc/crowdsec/ssl/key.pem
  enabled: true
  level: full
  listen_port: 6060

some logs indicating it's using ipv6 for localhost... yet the daemon doesn't listen on 8080 ipv6 socket afaik...

[ /usbstick 54°]# cat /var/log/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.log 

time="17-10-2021 14:57:15" level=info msg="backend type : nftables"
time="17-10-2021 14:57:15" level=info msg="nftables initiated"
time="17-10-2021 14:57:15" level=info msg="Processing new and deleted decisions . . ."
time="17-10-2021 14:57:15" level=error msg="auth-api: auth with api key failed return nil response, error: dial tcp [::1]:8080: connect: connection refused"
time="17-10-2021 14:57:15" level=fatal msg="Get \"http://localhost:8080/v1/decisions/stream?startup=true\": dial tcp [::1]:8080: connect: connection refused"
#this crashes main server

[ /usbstick 55°]# lsof -i -nP | grep 8080
crowdsec  5518    root   11u  IPv4  84428      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)

I see where is the problem.
2 variables were not rep'aced at install in your

I will look why.
and also guve you manual step fixes.

can you also provide, after a service crowdsec-bouncer-firewall start, the /var/etc/crowdsec/bouncers/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.yaml ?


I manually fixed the localhost > '::1' issue as can be seen below

############# [root@dca632 ../_WATCHCATNG 54°] cat /var/etc/crowdsec/bouncers/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.yaml
mode: nftables
pid_dir: /var/run/
update_frequency: 10s
daemonize: true
log_mode: file
log_dir: /var/log/
log_level: info
api_key: ${API_KEY}
disable_ipv6: false
deny_action: DROP
deny_log: false
#to change log prefix
#deny_log_prefix: "crowdsec: "
#if present, insert rule in those chains

looks like nft got over adds too (but i'd take that upstream if I were you... should validate/cleanup in it's own afaik)

table ip crowdsec {
	set crowdsec_blocklist {
		type ipv4_addr

	chain crowdsec_chain {
		type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept;
		ip saddr @crowdsec_blocklist drop
		ip saddr @crowdsec_blocklist drop
		ip saddr @crowdsec_blocklist drop
		ip saddr @crowdsec_blocklist drop
		ip saddr @crowdsec_blocklist drop
		ip saddr @crowdsec_blocklist drop
		ip saddr @crowdsec_blocklist drop
table ip6 crowdsec6 {
	set crowdsec6_blocklist {
		type ipv6_addr

	chain crowdsec6_chain {
		type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept;
		ip6 saddr @crowdsec6_blocklist drop
		ip6 saddr @crowdsec6_blocklist drop
		ip6 saddr @crowdsec6_blocklist drop
		ip6 saddr @crowdsec6_blocklist drop
		ip6 saddr @crowdsec6_blocklist drop
		ip6 saddr @crowdsec6_blocklist drop
		ip6 saddr @crowdsec6_blocklist drop
table inet nft-qos-monitor {
	chain upload {
		type filter hook prerouting priority filter; policy accept;
		ip saddr counter packets 0 bytes 0
		ip saddr counter packets 2 bytes 130
		ip saddr counter packets 2 bytes 132
		ip6 saddr 2403:b3a7 counter packets 0 bytes 0
		ip6 saddr 2403:adca counter packets 30 bytes 26215

	chain download {
		type filter hook postrouting priority filter; policy accept;
		ip daddr counter packets 0 bytes 0
		ip daddr counter packets 2 bytes 222
		ip daddr counter packets 0 bytes 0
		ip6 daddr 2403:b3a7 counter packets 0 bytes 0
		ip6 daddr 2403:adca counter packets 19 bytes 5888

I didn't have /etc/crowdsec/online_api_credentials.yaml. I tried copying the one from the build dir, but it is empty so that's all I have.

After doing cscli -c /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml capi register -f /etc/crowdsec/online_api_credentials.yaml now it has some content:

❯ cat /etc/crowdsec/local_api_credentials.yaml
❯ cat /etc/crowdsec/online_api_credentials.yaml
login: 49584377b2242b45c5e64522616aeb8et6xsGRgAsloMB4Md
password: 1KjbHcCjPUxyabEH9yiKzfolJJ5llIQLzBhae7WRUiX5XHesjmJFp5fdkPnGpD2P
❯ ls -Al /etc/crowdsec
total 21
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  286 Oct 16 09:45 acquis.yaml
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3488 Oct 16 17:45 bouncers
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3488 Oct 16 17:51 collections
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1413 Oct 16 17:54 config.yaml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  969 Oct 16 09:45 dev.yaml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   27 Oct 16 17:44 local_api_credentials.yaml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  162 Oct 17 09:30 online_api_credentials.yaml
drwxrwxr-x 5 root root 3488 Oct 16 17:51 parsers
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  374 Oct 16 09:45 patterns
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    3 Oct 16 09:45 postoverflows
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  522 Oct 16 09:45 profiles.yaml
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3488 Oct 16 17:51 scenarios
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   57 Oct 16 09:45 simulation.yaml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  991 Oct 16 17:44 user.yaml

Running crowdsec directly:

==> /var/log/crowdsec.log <==
time="17-10-2021 09:34:59" level=error msg="Failed to notify(sent: false): <nil>"
time="17-10-2021 09:34:59" level=warning msg="Starting processing data"
time="17-10-2021 09:34:59" level=info msg="Error machine login for  : ent: machine not found "

==> /var/log/crowdsec_api.log <==
time="17-10-2021 09:34:59" level=info msg=" - [Sun, 17 Oct 2021 09:34:59 CEST] \"POST /v1/watchers/login HTTP/1.1 401 430.383µs \"crowdsec/v1.2.0-openwrt-openwrt\" \""

==> /var/log/crowdsec.log <==
time="17-10-2021 09:34:59" level=fatal msg="starting outputs error : authenticate watcher (): Post \"\": API error: ent: machine not found"

Here is the error.
It should have been replaced in the


It is made at install, but looks to have not work.
I have add a pseudo upgrade script to not replace it, but it may have a bug.

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You may have the service already started and then use cscli command line.
You can then check the registered status and redo it if needed.
I will look to the necessary commands.

You may also need to register your host with:

cscli -c /etc/crowdsec/config.yaml machines add -a -f /etc/crowdsec/local_api_credentials.yaml

I do not get the point why your install script do not execute...

cscli may be usefull to check status:
you can check the local API with: cscli lapi status

root@LPM:~# cscli lapi status
INFO[17-10-2021 10:25:20 AM] Loaded credentials from /etc/crowdsec/local_api_credentials.yaml 
INFO[17-10-2021 10:25:20 AM] Trying to authenticate with username xxxxxx on 
INFO[17-10-2021 10:25:21 AM] You can successfully interact with Local API (LAPI)

You can see that I have changed the IP to to be able to have remote computers talking with the local API.

you can check the central API with: cscli capi status

root@LPM:~# cscli capi status
INFO[17-10-2021 10:26:30 AM] Loaded credentials from /etc/crowdsec/online_api_credentials.yaml 
INFO[17-10-2021 10:26:30 AM] Trying to authenticate with username xxxxx on 
INFO[17-10-2021 10:26:31 AM] You can successfully interact with Central API (CAPI)

If the CAPI status is okay, you can use the console in beta available here:

the computers registered with the service can be listed with: cscli machines list

root@LPM:~# cscli machines list
 NAME                                              IP ADDRESS  LAST UPDATE                STATUS  VERSION                                                                
 xxxx   2021-10-17T10:25:21+02:00  ✔️       v1.2.0-openwrt-openwrt

If all is fine you can check that the collaborative bad IP list is locally apply in the crowdsec-firewall-bouncer
If using iptables, you must have install ipset, and the ipset list command can show you the bad IP.

If you use nftables, you can use specific commands like:

nft list tables
nft list table crowdsec
nft list chains
nft list ruleset

cscli can also be used to check these alerts with: cscli alerts list

root@LPM:~# cscli alerts list
|  ID  |            VALUE             |        REASON        | COUNTRY | AS | DECISIONS |           CREATED AT           |
| 1051 | crowdsec/community-blocklist | update : +728/-0 IPs |         |    | ban:728   | 2021-10-17 09:20:26 +0200      |
|      |                              |                      |         |    |           | +0200                          |
| 1050 | crowdsec/community-blocklist | update : +727/-0 IPs |         |    | ban:1     | 2021-10-17 07:20:26 +0200      |
|      |                              |                      |         |    |           | +0200                          |

cscli metrics can shows you a global status health:

root@LPM:~# cscli metrics
INFO[17-10-2021 10:36:19 AM] Local Api Metrics:                           
|        ROUTE         | METHOD |  HITS  |
| /v1/alerts           | GET    |      3 |
| /v1/decisions/stream | GET    | 108456 |
| /v1/watchers/login   | POST   |      6 |
INFO[17-10-2021 10:36:19 AM] Local Api Machines Metrics:                  
|                     MACHINE                      |   ROUTE    | METHOD | HITS |
| db3e872e345f48848d0d85ab5c529947GWkbyXJtyNnJziiS | /v1/alerts | GET    |    3 |
INFO[17-10-2021 10:36:19 AM] Local Api Bouncers Metrics:                  
|           BOUNCER            |        ROUTE         | METHOD |  HITS  |
| cs-firewall-bouncer-LeCzIx9V | /v1/decisions/stream | GET    | 108456 |

Crowdsec has already made some tutorials available here:

There is still a lot of work to do for non INTEL/AMD worlds.
Like the dockerisation and the dashboard which actually do not work elsewhere than x86_AMD64.
I already made some POC, but still need to upstream to crowdsec and document for OpenWrt.

Thanks for feedback, testing, report, debug and patience.

1 Like

All right, I get crowdsec to run now. The firewall bouncers gets an access forbidden errror though:

==> /var/log/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.log <==
time="17-10-2021 13:18:10" level=info msg="backend type : iptables"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:10" level=info msg="iptables for ipv4 initiated"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:10" level=info msg="iptables clean-up : /usr/sbin/iptables -D INPUT -m set --match-set crowdsec-blacklists src -j DROP"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:10" level=info msg="iptables clean-up : /usr/sbin/iptables -D FORWARD -m set --match-set crowdsec-blacklists src -j DROP"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:10" level=info msg="ipset clean-up : /usr/sbin/ipset -exist destroy crowdsec-blacklists"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:10" level=info msg="Checking existing set"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:10" level=info msg="ipset set-up : /usr/sbin/ipset -exist create crowdsec-blacklists nethash timeout 300"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:11" level=info msg="Rule doesn't exist (/usr/sbin/iptables -C INPUT -m set --match-set crowdsec-blacklists src -j DROP)"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:11" level=info msg="Rule doesn't exist (/usr/sbin/iptables -C FORWARD -m set --match-set crowdsec-blacklists src -j DROP)"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:11" level=info msg="iptables set-up : /usr/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set crowdsec-blacklists src -j DROP"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:11" level=info msg="iptables set-up : /usr/sbin/iptables -I FORWARD -m set --match-set crowdsec-blacklists src -j DROP"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:11" level=info msg="iptables for ipv6 initiated"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:11" level=info msg="iptables clean-up : /usr/sbin/ip6tables -D INPUT -m set --match-set crowdsec6-blacklists src -j DROP"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:11" level=info msg="iptables clean-up : /usr/sbin/ip6tables -D FORWARD -m set --match-set crowdsec6-blacklists src -j DROP"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:11" level=info msg="ipset clean-up : /usr/sbin/ipset -exist destroy crowdsec6-blacklists"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:11" level=info msg="Checking existing set"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:11" level=info msg="ipset set-up : /usr/sbin/ipset -exist create crowdsec6-blacklists nethash timeout 300 family inet6"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:12" level=warning msg="iptables check command (/usr/sbin/ip6tables -C INPUT -m set --match-set crowdsec6-blacklists src -j DROP) failed : exit status 1"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:12" level=debug msg="output: ip6tables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).\n"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:12" level=warning msg="iptables check command (/usr/sbin/ip6tables -C FORWARD -m set --match-set crowdsec6-blacklists src -j DROP) failed : exit status 1"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:12" level=debug msg="output: ip6tables: Bad rule (does a matching rule exist in that chain?).\n"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:12" level=info msg="iptables set-up : /usr/sbin/ip6tables -I INPUT -m set --match-set crowdsec6-blacklists src -j DROP"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:12" level=info msg="iptables set-up : /usr/sbin/ip6tables -I FORWARD -m set --match-set crowdsec6-blacklists src -j DROP"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:12" level=info msg="Processing new and deleted decisions . . ."
time="17-10-2021 13:18:12" level=debug msg="req-api: GET http://localhost:8081/v1/decisions/stream?startup=true"

==> /var/log/crowdsec.log <==
time="17-10-2021 13:18:12" level=error msg="auth api key error: select bouncer: ent: bouncer not found: unable to query"

==> /var/log/crowdsec_api.log <==
time="17-10-2021 13:18:12" level=info msg=" - [Sun, 17 Oct 2021 13:18:12 CEST] \"GET /v1/decisions/stream?startup=true HTTP/1.1 403 463.318µs \"crowdsec-firewall-bouncer/v0.0.15-openwrt\" \""

==> /var/log/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.log <==
time="17-10-2021 13:18:12" level=debug msg="resp-api: http 403"
time="17-10-2021 13:18:12" level=fatal msg="API error: access forbidden"
❯ cat /etc/crowdsec/bouncers/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.yaml
mode: iptables
pid_dir: /var/run/
update_frequency: 10s
daemonize: true
log_mode: file
log_dir: /var/log/
log_level: info
api_url: http://localhost:8081/
api_key: ${API_KEY}
disable_ipv6: false
deny_action: DROP
deny_log: false
#to change log prefix
#deny_log_prefix: "crowdsec: "
#if present, insert rule in those chains

I changed ${BACKEND} to iptables or it would not even try to start. I tried replacing ${API_KEY} with the local and the online passwords but those don't seem to be the API key.

How can I find out the correct value? Or what else is wrong?

1 Like

I got it!.

I got the above mentioned key by adding a bouncer with:

cscli bouncers add myBouncer -l 24

That gave me an API_KEY, I replaced the unescaped var in /etc/crowdsec/bouncers/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.yaml and now the cs-firewall-bouncer seems to run :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I'll keep checking it out, it looks amazing.

Thanks for helping out :grinning:


Thanks for reports... feedback, debugs, tests ... :+1:

Yes, I think also it is a great security tool. :sunglasses:

I already made a POC with remote LXC (NGINX PROXY MANAGER and NEXTCLOUD) servers which remotely send their bad access attempt to the central CrowdSec on main OpenWrt Gateway for blacklisting !
I actually moved the servers to Docker for better performances and have some more code/tweak in the pipe for ARM64...
But more simple than a Fail2Ban alternative !

Actually, now that you get a running installation, you can also get help from the CrowdSec community on their discourse !

See you here for OpenWrt feedback and there for CrowdSec... :wink:

Take a look to their console actually in beta test.

The metabase based dashboard can also work locally and may be an alternative of the Cloud Console.