I think you can refer to my post here to suggest people creating a line like the following then you just need to append to your list without too much editing
| Mediatek MT7981 | TXQS/ATF/AQL | GL-INET MT3000<br>(Beryl AX) | 23.05.3 |
root@MT3000:~# ubus call system board | grep 'model\|description'
"model": "GL.iNet GL-MT3000",
"description": "OpenWrt 23.05.3 r23809-234f1a2efa"
root@MT3000:~# iw list | grep 'Wiphy\|TXQS\|AIRTIME_FAIRNESS\|AQL'
Wiphy phy1
* [ TXQS ]: FQ-CoDel-enabled intermediate TXQs
* [ AIRTIME_FAIRNESS ]: airtime fairness scheduling
* [ AQL ]: Airtime Queue Limits (AQL)
Wiphy phy0
* [ TXQS ]: FQ-CoDel-enabled intermediate TXQs
* [ AIRTIME_FAIRNESS ]: airtime fairness scheduling
* [ AQL ]: Airtime Queue Limits (AQL)
root@MT3000:~# iwinfo | grep 'Hardware:\|PHY name'
Hardware: embedded [MediaTek MT7981]
Supports VAPs: yes PHY name: phy0
Hardware: embedded [MediaTek MT7981]
Supports VAPs: yes PHY name: phy1
Hardware: embedded [MediaTek MT7981]
Supports VAPs: yes PHY name: phy1