Could the old Network Switch UI be ± brought back even for the new DSA architecture?

I see another one of my devices will be moving to the DSA architecture in the next major releases of OpenWrt. This is progress of a technical sort but admin-wise it leads to two interface regressions for me as an end-user:

Quick/easy access

When a device switches to DSA, I lose easy top-level access to what I'll call the "VLAN configuration page" (although it also shows general port status, etc.). What I mean is that in older versions of OpenWrt right from the main/top LuCI toolbar it was simply Network > Switch and you were there.

Now with DSA it's a whole little journey that feels like I'm going deep into the bowels, even though the end result is ± the same UI. First load Network > Interfaces and then remember it's not actually an "Interfaces" but in the "Devices" tab, pick which is the right one of those devices to "Configure", and then in that popup finally switch over to the "Bridge VLAN filtering" tab of that.

My guess is that with DSA it maybe enables for the first time the possibility of multiple switches in one device and so perhaps it can't be quite so simple as one top-level page? But I wonder if it would be possible to split the contents of this tab into homes a bit more like what we used to have:

Specifically maybe the "Enable VLAN filtering" could be just a new option on the main device tab, while the whole ports/VLANs table could get moved back to a "Switch" page [or perhaps it would now be a "Switches" page with a section for each one?]

VLAN descriptions

The other thing I miss as more of my devices switch to DSA is how I used to be able to set a memorable description for each of my VLANs:

As compared to the DSA screenshot above, the old table on the top-level Switch page had a "Description" column but the new table within the device(s) configuration popup tab doesn't. Is there a technical reason that's it's no longer possible to track this info, or just something that got lost in the UI shuffle?

Hope this doesn't come off as too complainy — I realize this is [update: found the "feature requests" section and moved this post there] far less of a usage question and more of a development request but otoh since it's basically just "free as in puppy" ideas I didn't want to clutter the development section of the forums either. I'd of course love it if I could simply get "the old UI" back but figured even if that's not possible the discussion of why not (and any benefits the new way brings that I should be appreciating…) might be useful to others too.

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From what version of OpenWrt did you make that screenshot?

The short answer is "no", the semantics between swconfig and DSA are completely different.
The counter question would be "what for", swconfig should disappear altogether (that wish might not happen anytime soon, but that is still the only long term path).

I forget when it was added, but screenshot is from OpenWrt 23.05 which had this "description" column for non-DSA switch panel.

But somehow the tables in the UI for the two versions old and new look ± the same? Except now it is buried in a far corner of the UI (and missing description column, and "CPU" ethN column(s) are replaced by "Local" checkbox") but in both cases a table with VLANs as rows and switch ports as columns.

My request isn't that swconfig itself lives on, but that for DSA a similarly friendly interface is provided. My original post was kind of the "what for":

  • bringing back the VLAN descriptive name label (so that VLANs can have descriptive name labels again like they used to have)
  • moving the VLAN table into its own page again (so that the VLAN table isn't buried in a far tab within a modal dialog you have to open from one of the device rows in another tab that's tucked behind the interfaces page)

Or the overall "what for" is so that it stays quick and easy to update VLANs via LuCI like it used to be, even if underneath the config is being stored for a different system.

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