Could someone provide the firmware version and config file for a working ZyXEL XGS1250-12?

Thanks @lucize , I was able to download the firmware. Do you know what version of the firmware your firmware started as?

Thanks for the tip/clarifying @Borromini ! So the idea behind using # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mtd5 bs=1M count=2 would be so that the switch uses web recovery, which would let me transfer files to the switch faster than with the serial connection?

you can use binwalk to extract the content of the image, the file date is 14 may 2024, should be the snapshot at that date

Thanks @lucize . I'm not familiar with binwalk. Should I do that instead of installing the firmware with sysupgrade, which is what I was planning to do?

it's just to see the filesystem, the release version, it won't be of much help with the changes in kernel so if you have uboot access (hope you enabled it) then just write it and by the way, why are you using serial transfer, if you have uboot then you can use tftp network transfer

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Thanks @lucize . I'm using serial transfer because I found that after entering uboot by setting an invalid boot command, the switch still would not network, so I think I can't use TFPT.

The switch MUST work on u-boot if you issues the rtk on, or something like that, see the wiki it should specify what you need to add to environment

Thanks @lucize, you are right, the switch can network from the U-boot environment. Earlier when I tried to use TFPT, I think I neglected to run rtk network on from the U-boot environment.

Without that u-boot command, the switch will not work, as at the moment there is no know way to reset the switch

Hey thanks @lucize, I installed the OpenWrt firmware you linked earlier, and now the switch has an accessible web interface again, and I can ping computers that are connected to the switch.

Thank you. It also helped my. Was in the same situation as @hobowrt with the switch not forwarding packages between its ports.

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