Copy files (Samba) from MacBook to Raspberry Pi 4 slow! 27 Mbit/sec avg and 43 Mbit/sec peak


I copy files from MacBook to Raspberry Pi 4 (Samba on latest Ubuntu). RPI is with ethernet cable and MacBook wireless. Its on the same LAN. I think its slow! 27 Mbit/sec avg and 43 Mbit/sec peak.

Please request additional configs and stuff you need to troubleshoot.
See my bio for infos about my setup.

Not much information, but i would start with a simple network speed test via, just to evaluate what the theoretical speedlimit is.
If iperf reports much higher speeds i would try simple dd speed test on the Pi to confirm that the write speeds are good via:
dd if=/dev/zero oflag=dsync status=progress of=tempfile bs=1M count=2048

Than you test what happens if you use a wired connection for the MacBook. Thats all just to isolate the main limiting factor aka WiFi or HDD Write speeds or Samba settings.

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