Connecting to IPv6 using the uqmi

Hi, all,
Thanks for your contributions about uqmi and IPv6.
I am using EC25-E modem, it works with IPv4 and I would like to move to IPv6.
I am not expert in debugging, what would be the easiest fix or trick to enable IPv6 on the EC25-E?
P.S. I installed last version on my router: OpenWrt 21.02.1.

I have made a modified version of uqmi with APN profiles. This version verifies that the default APN profile is configured correct. If the default profile is incorrect, the modem will be set to Airplane mode on and the default profile is corrected. Then the modem is set to Airplane mode off.
With PDP-type = IPv4v6, dual-stack will be tested. Default APN profile is configured with IPv4 and a secondary profile is configured with IPv6.
My version is available here: