Connect to OpenWrt from other network

Hello Everyone!

My OpenWrt router is running on
I have another network

From each network I can reach any ip address in both direction except my OpenWrt router(

My OpenWrt routers address ( can only be reached from and communicate with devices on the same LAN subnet

I have tried different things such as network alias, adding the address to to the LAN interface but I'm not able to make my OpenWrt router( visible for LAN subnet

I have tried adding an alias and the other subnet to the LAN interface and more, but without luck.
Could someone please share what I need to to?

Thank you in advanced for any guidance and support :pray: :slightly_smiling_face:

Are both devices running OpenWrt?

How are the two routers connected to each other?

What is the purpose of the second router in your network? OpenWrt can actually run multiple subnets which means you can potentially eliminate one of the routers entirely.

Importantly, does the first router support static routes (if OpenWrt, the answer is yes)?

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My second network is my VPN tunnel network runnig OPNsense.

Eveything is working as expected in both networks in both directions except for the OpenWrt router.

OpenWrt router can't see hosts on and wise versa.

I noticed that all clients without a firewall on the LAN network were reachable out box after setting up the VPN tunnel network where as for windows clients I nedded modify firewall rules allowing traffic from

Since OpenWrt has a firewall I suppose I need to somehow configure it to allow traffic from the network

Thank you for the support - very appeciated!

I have now noticed that on my OpenWRT LAN interface, that has a static IP, I had not in "Interfaces > Advanced settings" enabled the "Use default gateway" option :expressionless:

This was not relevant in my former setup.
Now it's all logically working as expected.

Thank you everyone!

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