Configurar adblock bloqueio anuncios youtube

ola, saudações!!
meu nome é dalcio tenho o openwrt instalado em um archer c-60 rodando sem problemas.

ja tentei varias vezes configurar o adblock para bloquear anuncios no youtube mas sem sucesso.
eu nao utilizo nenhuma configuracao adicionar somente as opcoes do LUCI.
alguem pode me ajudar?

my name is dalcio I have openwrt installed on a c-60 archer running without problems.

already tried several times to configure adblock to block ads on youtube but without success.
I do not use any settings to add only the LUCI options.
Can someone help me?

Cuando escriba en su idioma nativo, proporcione siempre una traducción al inglés.
De esta manera, otros usuarios de todo el mundo pueden participar en la discusión y posiblemente beneficiarse del resultado, sin tener que utilizar un traductor.

While I fully agree with your comment, @dalcio's message was in Portuguese, and your answer in perfect Spanish... :laughing:


Alo @dalcio, bem vindo à comunidade!

There is a YouTube block rule pre-configured, you just have to enable it.

Save, then restart Adblock.

I´ll check.

1 Like

the native rule is not effective.

i need help.
youtube rule not efective.

No need to repeat multiple times. I have not responded because I don't have any suggestions.

It works for me. Perhaps you should ask @dibdot or visit the Adblock support thread.

I perform these steps:

  1. Enable youtube blocking:


  1. Save and Apply


  1. Refresh


  1. Done!

BTW, this only blocks YouTube-based advertisements, not YouTube itself.

Also, be sure to flush DNS caches on your clients after you reload!

Bottomline that's true - you can't block youtube ads effecitivly on dns level. Options from my point of view: use additional browser plugins or buy youtube premium.


dear @dibdot, i want lock into the smart tv.

updated for version 3.6.5. in test


my thoughts about adblock.

  1. Check the packages that must be installed manually.
  2. Check status via command line.


dear, I installed version 3.6.5 of adblock and dns query report stop funcionally. not more show report.