Collecting router prices from websites

Sure, see which shows only "Available ..." and "unknown ...".

Correct. In order to get usable results, we need to be specific with our search, i.e. ASINs are the way to go. We can add them to the dataentries.

Is the search by manufacturer and product name so bad? I understand ASIN codes will have to be verified manually, but I would have guessed that a good portion of the devices could be found.

I think even using ASIN there will be nonsense results. Less, but still.

My approach would be letting users add (or vote) for device links. It's probably reliabler. That, on the other hand, would almost defeat the purpose.

Not easy :wink:

Without correct ASINs, this is the best I can do
scraper code returns detailed prices for given ASIN. You can see below "amazon" key.
Let me know if this result ok. I'll send you the code.

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